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  1. M

    [*nix problem] does tw server use cygwin?

    ok so i finally got the cutoff error in w3m, text based web browser here is the error it spit back at me: i poked around google a lil bit and came across this: could be part of the problem...
  2. M

    sowwy Col

    just dropping in to say sorry for pushing the issue i guess if you read my posts were polite up until you came koolaid'n into the thread actually i see nothing wrong in the thread except for the laptop comment tbh, i dont have the slightest clue about the whole laptop thing, wasnt here...
  3. M

    FX 1.5 B1 [BOW DOWN] gogoog firefox!!@#$!%
  4. M

    [drunk] i ... am

    cliffs - because reading sucks when you're drunk mentally unstable older bro goes on bike ride across state police call mom, she goes to pick him up, 4am jumps out of car on highway while on way home currently in surgical ICU i hate the fuck for putting my mom through this (he's 27, me 21) i...
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    World's ugliest dog!

  6. M


    i just died in your arms tonight...
  7. M

    More monkey business Sister's friend was on the floor where this happened. They said the girl came out screaming with blood all over her face. Ms. Darkie apparently chucked the iron at her face and cracked her skull. Am I being racist or correct in assuming a girl...
  8. M

    [OFFICIAL] Google Talk Available Early

    EDIT: Google's new IM service is already live. All you need is a Jabber-compatible Instant Messaging client (such as Apple's iChat, or gaim), and a GMail address." This should answer, at least in part, all of the speculation that has been flying around the net...
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    sucks to be the driver

    of the gayest zamboni ever
  10. M

    WWW.WORKSE.CX [nws] *nws* :lol:
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    [VALV℮] Rag Doll Kung Fu - coming to steam

    Last week we mentioned that we'd be announcing a new product coming to Steam soon. We're excited to announce that Rag Doll Kung Fu, developed primarily by Mark Healy, will be making its way to Steam in the coming weeks. Mark is a game industry veteran who developed Rag Doll Kung Fu in his spare...
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    vid1 - vid2 - pics - enjoy :sunny:
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    evil :scared: and her name is spelled weird, silly darkies
  14. M

    Anyone else decide to move to .FLAC yet?

    Decided to up and ditch all my .mp3 files and start collecting .flac only. Space really isn't a concern nowadays, so I figure I'd rather have an exact lossless copy of the music instead of some shady mp3. I wonder if lossy audio is on the way out... it is for me :) oh and yes, flac sounds so...
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    Peter Jennings [PIC]

    :sunny: RIP
  16. M

    [.avi] Fun with F.E.A.R.

    I'm having a blast just playing this little demo over and over. The melee moves are funny as shit. Also all those saying one shot doesn't kill, you're wrong. I've capped quite a few guys with 1 shot from the pistol now, just have to be sneaky. I...
  17. M

    [VALV℮] Guess new game coming to Steam [pics]

    I'm betting they are going to push F.E.A.R. out over Steam. Valve is/was with Sierra and I really can't think of any other big games (aside from Q IV) that are upcoming. Oh and a new model on it's way to cs:s
  18. M

    サントラ] 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン

    サントラ] 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン この世界で一番恵まれた都市、ヤビツに暮らす主人公の少年。14才。 幼い頃に両親と双子の兄と生き別れとなり、現在は新国連事務総長・アオイに引き取られている。義母アオイとの間にわだかまりを抱えている。イスラに特別な思いを抱いているが、なかなか切り出すことができないでいる。直情的だが馬鹿ではない。
  19. M

    IE7 IS GARBAGE [Firefox]

    Just installed the beta that's floating around. IE7 is a joke, they stole Firefox's two big features and added some lame "anti-phishing" bullshit. They fucked up the top menu bars pretty good though. I can't put the File/Edit/View etc where it belongs, way up top.