Crap, I don't have Quicktime on my new work computer, and can't load it because we're locked down. Oh well, I'll check it out tonight from home.
Don't worry about it, you're not missing anything but a kid who has no idea how to play.

he stops every 5 feet to sit and look around and change his guns....just sitting there.....doing nothing.
rebeltorumble said:
Don't worry about it, you're not missing anything but a kid who has no idea how to play.

he stops every 5 feet to sit and look around and change his guns....just sitting there.....doing nothing.


Lobster said:
looks exactly like Quake 3.

The best thing about Quake was the mods. Namely Rocket Arena and Weapons Factory.

Hopefully the mod teams will come back out for Q4.
Lame, idiot didn't even show off the fire effects for the different weapons.

It's probably just a multiplayer test level so I wouldn't be all Looks just like quake 3 lol 90 degree walls, I don't think there's anything wrong with more of the same with better graphics for game sequels, L O L Tribes Vengenerealdisease.
So they changed the jump pads a little bit, moved the huds around and are callling it Quake 4 with no other changes? I'm a bit skeptical that is what Quake 4 will look like when its released.