IE7 IS GARBAGE [Firefox]


Just installed the beta that's floating around. IE7 is a joke, they stole Firefox's two big features and added some lame "anti-phishing" bullshit. They fucked up the top menu bars pretty good though. I can't put the File/Edit/View etc where it belongs, way up top.
I know one of them is tabbed browsing (which I don't care about).

I hope the other feature they stole is the "conforms to standards" feature.
SarcaStick said:
that's why it's called (keyword) BETA

And from what I've seen, it still should be an Alpha. It'll be running nice and sweet when Vista comes out though.
motoko said:
Just installed the beta that's floating around. IE7 is a joke, they stole Firefox's two big features and added some lame "anti-phishing" bullshit. They fucked up the top menu bars pretty good though. I can't put the File/Edit/View etc where it belongs, way up top.
What 2 big features? Tabbed browsing and...? Tabbed browsing has been around long before Firefox was made. I know Opera had it before then and several IE based browsers had it too.
Who cares if they stole the features. IE sucks, but I'd rather them improve their browser in an attempt an innovation, rather than creating code for Web sites which doesn't work in Firefox/Opera.
until IE supports extensions (specifically adblock) i will not be switching. we have the same VS though :)