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    2000 Jackasses

    Conservative group tells judge it has no evidence to back its claims of Georgia ballot stuffing
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    Are babies racist????

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    Texts from Unknown Senders

    Any insight regarding why Apple does not stop text alerts from unknown senders? My iPhone has been blowing up lately with texts, and the damn alert notifications, from spammers and apparently there is no way to actually stop the alerts on iPhone. iOS allows you to separate texts from those in...
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    "Only 48% of Gen Z, or the generation born after millennials, identify exclusively as heterosexual, according to a recent report from J. Walter Thompson Innovation Group. An upcoming GLAAD study reaffirms those findings, according to Ellis..." Discuss.
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    Star Trek Discovery

    Lense flare and goofy camera angles from the get go.
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    Simple question?

    Question is, why no A.I.? Currently I've been playing The Division with its rather impressive graphics, giving a very good sense of immersion within a large cityscape. You can shoot the tires and windows out of cars, etc. etc. etc. This got me (once again) considering the fact that graphics...
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    Dual Monitor info & suggestions

    Thinking of spending part of my tax refund on a dual monitor set up. I currently have a 28" monitor but was wondering about the benefits of using dual monitors, so I thought I'd ask the forum's input. If you use a dual monitor set up: 1. What do you find the positives AND negatives? 2. How...
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    Barnes & Noble BF Bad Co. $20 deal..Not

    Did a quick scan of threads and didn't see this, [SO]... Just received my cancellation email: "Despite our efforts, we were unable to fulfill some or all of the items in your order, as noted below. Your order contained a title(s) that is no longer scheduled for release. This may be because the...
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    It's that time of year...Post the worst X-Mas song

    Been listening to Christmas music at work all week (Sirius channel 2) and there are just some songs that are so gawd awful bad... "Simply having, a wonderful Christmas time..." How in the hell did someone who wrote such great songs like "Yesterday" come up with this insipid, craptacular, vomit...
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    [So] Where's all the Miami Heat smack talk?

    Scanned several pages and haven't seen any of that "Heat will dominate" blather...
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    Happy Anniversary Jodie Foster!

    March 30, 1981 President Ronald Reagan has been shot and wounded after a lone gunman opened fire in Washington. He is currently undergoing emergency surgery at George Washington University Hospital but there are unconfirmed reports he walked in unaided. Initial reports claim he may have a...
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    Sara Lee v. Pillsbury Dough Boy (Li)

    Sara Lee in 2.
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    [So], Why no Xbox's or PS2's this holiday season?

    Wat up wit dat? Seems to be no consoles in the retail or online chains. What gives?
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    Does everybody REALLY love raymond?

    I just have to ask. This show has apparently been running for a number of years, seems to get alot of hype, yet the few episodes I've ever seen were very predictable sitcom fare. Hell, you could see the setups a mile away and the comic quips were all telegraphed before they are even spoken...
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    My mother has died (Long post)

    Well, this is the first time I've been online since my mother died earlier this week. She had been battling lung cancer for exactly three years since her diagnosis. For those that smoke and don't think cancer will happen to them, please let my mother's death be cause for you to re-evaluate...
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    Impeachment? Discuss.