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  1. M

    Disabling Nagle's Algorithm in Windows 7

    Does anyone know how to do this? I have it disabled in XP and it greatly reduces my latency in games. After browsing some windows 7 support forums I havn't found any guides on this ;/ Thanks in advance.
  2. M

    Arena 3 vs 3 video

    Here is our team's 3 vs 3 video on the Rampage battlegroup. The clips include some of the top rated teams in the 3 vs 3 bracket. Our warrior made the video, it's probably the most interesting pov anyway. I'm the paladin (Diela). bteam3v3.avi -
  3. M

    Looking to trade my geared rogue.

    I figure I may as well try here since I'd trust TWers over others. I have a female Night Elf rogue on a PvP server which is an ex-rank14, she has 7/8 tier 2, missing the boots but has boots of the shadowflame from Nef. Also has Maladath and various other epics. All of the gear is fully chanted...
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    [T:V Request] t1 reticle

    The link to Tessio's t1 reticle for T:V is down, is anyone able to host it?
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    [T:V Request] Cap routes.

    Are there any videos that show some cap routes for .. well, all the maps? If there are i would appreciate a link to them, thanks.
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    [t1:request] Max mine and grenade throw.

    yeah.. i need a max mine and grenade throw script for presto :0
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    [T1: request] A mine and nade script

    a max toss mine and nade script that will allow me to designate the buttons to the very right and left buttons of my optical mouse. i think theyre called button4 and button3 or something. If someone could make a script compatible with stripped with those buttons already designated, i would...
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    t2 skinning help

    Need like a tutorial or a brief summary how to skin t2 wep skins. thx in advance
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    [t2 request] chat menu or something

    i hear people make sounds from tr2, was wondering how i can do this or if theres a chat menu with the sounds in it
  10. M

    [t2 request] Script

    A script that allows you to switch between to weapons by the press of a key. for example i could switch between the elf and the disc