Arena 3 vs 3 video


Veteran X
Here is our team's 3 vs 3 video on the Rampage battlegroup. The clips include some of the top rated teams in the 3 vs 3 bracket. Our warrior made the video, it's probably the most interesting pov anyway. I'm the paladin (Diela).
bteam3v3.avi -
Wot ^

I'm on "Serious Business" for 3man (Salberto, Paladin)

We moved up to 2218 or something last night and are ranked just a bit below you. You should let me know when you're queuing so we can come destroy you :D

We don't play that often recently since our faggot warrior is always raiding and specs prot for it

this movie was poorly done and very disapointing. right away I had to turn up the brightness and contrast. Then there is just not a single remotely interesting fight in there at all. You fast forward through certain parts seemingly at random. There were much more boring sequences than these that could have been sped through. The openings of fights are usually the most interesting I dont know why you want to skip them so that we can watch you auto attack someone for an hour. Zooming in on the health bars was insulting. Like I don't notice that you two have low health? And then to keep the screen zoomed in on these two fucking bars during the most exciting battle of the entire movie. Sorry I am not enough of a nerd that watching the pixels count down makes me excited.

3.5/10 Would not watch again or recommend.
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Ugh.. it may of been ok if it wasnt 11 mins long. Even the first 2 clips are against the same exact team. Stopped watching about half way through.

Oh well anyway, diela is still awesome, though I was unimpressed with wordorf :/
The footage came from one night of pvp basically, it was the first time wordorf actually messed around with sony vegas and churned out a movie in a couple hours. I thought it was alright though so I figured I'd post it. Thanks for the feedback though.