[t1:request] Max mine and grenade throw.

Drop following code into a script file, or hell, even into autoexe.cs :roller:

bindcommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "g", to, "throw::full(41);");
bindcommand(keyboard0, make, shift, "a", to, "throw::full(40);");
function throw::full(%item)
	remoteeval(2048, throwitem, %item, 100);
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "backspace", TO, "remoteEval(2048, throwItem, 40, 1000);");
bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "backspace", TO, "");

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "j", TO, "remoteEval(2048, throwItem, 41, 1000);");
bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "j", TO, "");
Hey moo, do you still have that disc you made a long time ago? That thing was sweet as hell. It was like a silver/gray mix with the lighter silver on the sides of the disc? If you have that could you u/l it to the RBD i'd like to use it again. :D
this is one I wrote that allows you to stream full force nades/mines by holding the key.

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad3", TO, "Throw::Grenade(1);");
bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "numpad3", TO, "Throw::Grenade(0);");
bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad2", TO, "Throw::Mine(1);");
bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "numpad2", TO, "Throw::Mine(0);");

function Throw::Grenade(%val) {
    if(%val != "")
        $Throw::Grenade = %val;
    if($Throw::Grenade) {
        remoteEval(2048, throwItem, 41, 100);
        schedule("Throw::Grenade();", 0.1);

function Throw::Mine(%val) {
    if(%val != "")
        $Throw::Mine = %val;
    if($Throw::Mine) {
        remoteEval(2048, throwItem, 40, 100);
        schedule("Throw::Mine();", 0.1);
alright.. i want to bind the mine throw to the button on the left of my mouse.. i think its button3. Can you edit the script so it does that?
bindCommand(mouse0, make, "button3", TO, "remoteEval(2048, throwItem, 40, 1000);");
bindCommand(mouse0, break, "button3", TO, "");