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    Celtic music and old car

    YouTube - Celtic Folk - Traditional Irish Music - Wolseley 6/90
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    how do I use my other 78 gig?

    my friend gave me an old 80g ipod. I fill it to one and a half gig and it stops syncing, gives me errors, etc. tried resetting ipod and restoring it to factory settings, same problem. any suggestions?
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    Would you consider me a lurker?

    I've been around for a while, but I don't feel like people recognize who the fuck I am. Maybe I don't post enough.
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    My socks and shoes always match

    Is it luck?
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    Best Adhesive

    For glass...... Epoxy? Super Glue? Gorilla Glue? I'm not sure what's best, or even what bonds with glass at all. any help will be appreciated and maybe rewarded.
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    anyone know where me and my friend can stay for cheap?

    in the Rochester area the 12th and in Albany the 14th (Thursday and Saturday)?
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    That thread earlier got me to thinkin...

    What terms/phrases/words are "banned" on TW?
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    labtop burn speed

    anyone have any guess why mine is always so shitty? I have a 48x burner, a gig o' ram and I routinely get burn speeds in the low teens or single digits.
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    What can a doctor legally do...

    if you test positive for drugs in lab work? I know dr/patient shit means no real ramifications, but can you be involuntarily admitted into a rehab clinic? If so, what drugs/circumstances would merit such a thing?
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    Herbal Smoke Shop?

    Anyone tried this shit before? I'm thinking of giving it a shot, but I'd like to hear someone's take on it before I drop the cash... I read some customer reviews on the site but they could easily be bullshit...
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    what the fuck is with all the threads about Ohio?

    I mean seriously. Do we need three threads a day about ohio?
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    anyone know where I can get a replacement

    for my phone? It's an audiovox cdm-8940. I like the phone, but I'm willing to switch. I am eligible for early replacement (I've had my phone for over a year), so I can buy through a verizon dealer. The corporate goons won't give me the early replacement price (they don't make a commission...
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    firefox is all fuxed up

    It won't load any pages for me. I'm using IE right now. I hate it. I rebooted and I reinstalled a bunch of times. WTF?
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    industry profits

    anyone know the numbers for record industry profits in the mid 90s and now? I can't seem to find it, but I have no business background. I'm curious to see how much these companies have "lost" since p2p sharing gained popularity.
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    left my phone in the rain

    by accident. it was out for about ten minutes. I brought it in, took out the battery, let it dry for a while and turned it back on. It was perfectly fine for a while and now the screen is straight up white. No graphics, no display, nothing. both screens too. the speaker, the mic, the...
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    Lucifer Sam

    Siam Cat. Always sitting by your side. Always by your side. That cat's something I can't explain...
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    Which piece to use tonight?

    The stone, the glass or the cellulose papers...
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    in this thread is true.
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    in this thread is a lie.
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    last final

    I'm getting fuxed up tonight.