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  1. C

    dang nsfw nws
  2. C

    i think its time to declare obamacare a success?

    literally millions of people now have insurance and are in much better situations than before obama was able to do what republicans wouldve never managed to do in a million years. and why is it that republican dominated states are the worst states in the union? any explantion for that...
  3. C

    all politics is bullshit man

    wake up idiots
  4. C

    i love big tits man

    just big ol slap u in the face an dshit
  5. C

    who has sex with these massive females

    u know the type just fat as shit. but they have like 5 kids with them who is having sex with these bitches. it would easily be much more pleasurable to masturbate than have sex with these hambeasts theyre sooo fucking fat ughghhhhhh i hate this shit
  6. C

    just wondering, how many of you are on mental health drugs?

    like ssri's, xanax, adderall, whatever just wondering if you could give your background and have any cool stories that would be fun too
  7. C

    pia muehlenbeck

    Pia Muehlenbeck IG - Imgur Instagram
  8. C

    anyone else think bush vs. clinton in 2016 would suck for america?

    i mean people are already very apathetic towards politics. democrats obviously hated bush rule from 2000-08, then got very excited about obama but he's been a huge letdown cuz he tried to cater too much to republicans. and of course republicans have been pissed since obama came in cuz he's black...
  9. C

    u guys remember that game goalline blitz

    what a shitty game bye
  10. C

    hey republitards ready to admit obamacare actually works?

    fucking idiots. obama managed to fix health care in one term when u idiots couldnt dream of doing it in two. so many ppl have health insurance now, i dont see anyone complaining. obama fixed health care, republ;itards continue to be racist idiots
  11. C

    Why are flight attendants all old and ugly and shit

    Such bullshit.
  12. C

    recs for iphone 6 case?

    don't want something bulky and huge. also something that will show back of phone w/ apple logo so i can be seen as wealthy bourgeiousiesisie
  13. C

    big booty jennifer lopez iggy alazaaleazla

  14. C

    sony xperia z3

    anyone know when it will be released? i'm a huge apple fanboy but nothing about the 6 was all that appealing to me. kinda wanna try android and xperia z3 looks pretty legit. really good battery which is appealing to me, and idk i just wanna try something different warning awkward hipster in...
  15. C

    [NSFW] thats a big dick man nws
  16. C

    yo im engaged

    help wtf did i do:jawdrop:
  17. C

    Apple livestreaming event

    who else is excite def new iphone. perhaps new iwatch? perhaps earth shattering new product? tune in tomorrow at 1 est
  18. C

    get in dere

  19. C

    hey nash

    why you give me infaraction dude