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    Why do people hate Houston?

    I mean the city, not the poster. Is it just the heat and minorities or something else? Obligatory
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    Group Policy & Disk 'Quotas'

    Silly question, but I was wondering if it was possible (Either through Group Policy or through some other methods) to make it so that a file only exists for a certain period of time on a network drive. Sort of like a time-to-live quota. Anyone ever seen anything that does this? Or is it not...
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    Selling: PvE Female Night Elf Warrior (Stormherald, 3/5 S2)

    Selling one of my two accounts since I don't have time to play her anymore. - On a PvE server, Transferable - 3/5 Season 2 gladiator (Helm, Chest, Leggings) - 1/5 Season 1 gladiator (Shoulders) -Tier 4 dps gloves, nightbane boots, rest veteran's gear; Everything has blue or epic gems -...
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    Well I goofed and formatted my drive without backing up my user-specific mods and whatnot. As such, I was wondering if anyone had a reasonably comprehensive Gatherer database they'd like to share? Or a link to a site with one? Tried searching old threads but all the links seem to be dead...
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    Snowboarding Gear

    So I'm getting myself into snowboarding and I know a bunch of you are rather knowledgeable in the good brands to pick up. I just got a Burton Custom (used slightly) snowboard and i'm looking for a good set of bindings and boots to go with it. I'm not entirely sure what to look for. I read that...
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    Wow Movies

    There was a post here about a machinema wow movie that someone made. Some people thought it was really dramatic while some thought it was just shit. It involved three people, with one man being jealous of the other for being with a woman. He ended up taking her hostage, and the two men ended...
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    [BSG] Season Three Begins Tonight!

    Gonna be a great 2-hours. Sorry for posting a bit early :) Episode is called "Occupation"
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    [Family Guy] January 29th

    :lol: Fred Flintstone Its looking up. Hope they don't overdue the "like the time when" scenes.
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    [BSG] Friday Night Awesomeness

    Well its Friday again and I think the other thread was getting a little laboured. :heart: PJ This episode will be a good one :D Preview for it if you didn't see it after last week's episode: All the good stuff, Apollo, Tom Zarek, Hostage taking, good premise...
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    Power Rangers Google Vid

    Anyone have a working link to that power rangers video from google? The one where its an asian guy getting harassed by them. The link in the google vid thread is dead. If anyone has a link, that'd be great.
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    Looking for a New Vid Card...

    for my best friend. I'm looking at the GeForce 6800, but I've been out of the loop of graphics cards for a while. What do you guys think is the best card for the money (in the 6800 range, not sure which version is best, GT, Ultra, and so on) and what is a good website or store to get it from...
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    [BSG] Season Cliffhangar Tonight

    10 minutes! Mid-season hiatus episode. It's gonna rock!! Here's a link to the preview if you want to see: (near the bottom) Fans of the original series will like this one :bigthumb:
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    [TV] Battlestar Galactica Season 2 starts tonight!

    For those of you with Sci-Fi channel, Season 2 of Battlestar Galactica starts tonight at 10pm EST! Go watch! Here's a link to the trailer: and some encouragement:
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    Games Similar to Homeworld 2

    I've been having fun playing Homeworld 2, and I loved the first one. I'm looking for games that offer similar strategy/ship building/graphics to HW2. Any ideas or suggestions? Obligatory
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    Battlestar Galactica DVD

    So I just got the Miniseries DVD (Mostly to say I owned a copy and to show people who wouldn't have seen it otherwise) and its great. The "series" rundown is a nice feature, but the deleted scenes, well, let's say it's easy to see why they were deleted. I was reading on that the...
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    Fancy Cat it or Juggernaught it? (hititornot)

    She's been messaging me on bangme, need advice/paper bag. Well?
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    One in Five Germans Wants Berlin Wall Back Reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Homer commandeers a nuclear sub and goes into Russian waters. The berlin wall "pops" back up and Stalin comes back to life.
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    Woman drives for days with dead mother...

    :ugh: "MIAMI, Florida (Reuters) -- An Oklahoma woman drove around for days with her mother's decomposing body in the passenger seat of her car, Florida investigators said Thursday. Sheriff's deputies found the woman's body...
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    Masterbation and Cancer...

    :lol: Air farce was hilarious today: "Enough masterbation can reduce the risk of prostate cancer..... Just goes to show ya that cancer can be beaten" "Is it wrong for a policeman to ask a gay drunk to walk in a straight line?" "If rice is in rice krispies and wheat is in wheaties, then...
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    Viacom in Talks to Develop Gay TV network Yet the first two lines is about Janet Jackson at the Superbowl :shrug: