[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Look at how people love him - they idolize him. They can't get him out of their heads. They spend their entire day writing about him.

Commander in Chief!
Ronald Reagan died of degenerative brain failure. He became a vegetable. So did M. Thatcher, both bragged about how little sleep they got and how much of a workaholic they were.

Brain experts say the connection isn't a coincidence
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Baby Trump balloon knifed in Alabama | TheHill
The balloon goes to every event the president has. It's a small number of people making it seem like the president is hated. Same for Twitter and the polls that come out. Only 22% of Americans actually use Twitter. Of them, a small handful of liberals post a bunch of crap about the president and make it seem like everyone thinks this way.
He is one of the hardest working people on the planet. Many presidents enjoy golf. It's like an office. Clean air, camaraderie, it's good for the brain. Look how much time Obama spent golfing and the dems love him.

Your first sentence means I can’t take you even remotely seriously.. ever again. Congrats, you’re that autistic captain tele level now.
Fine with me, Skippy. Don' take any wooden nickles. Don't open umbrellas in the house or you'll put someone's eye out. Change your underwear and wash behind your ears. Brush your teeth! Eat your veggies. Au revoir! Arrivederci! Bon Voyage! Hasta la bye bye!
Is Brasstax trolling though when he says that? Are you trolling Brasstax?

There is so much evidence that he is easily the laziest POTUS we've ever had, if not one of the laziest officials working in all of government.. if not one of the laziest people that is technically employed.

Nikki Haley: Kelly, Tillerson Tried to Run the Country Behind Trumps Back | Breitbart

john "puncha nazi in the belly" kelly, noted chocolate city antifa leader and black lives matter provocateur tried to topple trump. patriot haley is finally breaking this news more than a year later.

Former secretary of state Rex Tillerson and former White House chief of staff John F. Kelly sought to recruit her to work around and subvert Trump, but she refused …

“Kelly and Tillerson confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country,” Haley wrote.

“It was their decisions, not the president’s, that were in the best interests of America, they said. The president didn’t know what he was doing,” Haley wrote of the views the two men held.
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Is Brasstax trolling though when he says that? Are you trolling Brasstax?

There is so much evidence that he is easily the laziest POTUS we've ever had, if not one of the laziest officials working in all of government.. if not one of the laziest people that is technically employed.

Probably for the best, he's also the stupidest and most corrupt so any work is self serving at the nation's expense. Hes tied with reagan for most demented president, the shit ppl will get away with while this idiot is making a distraction will be the next decade of scandals.