How would you describe TribalWar today? What's the vibe of this place?

TW is a place for retired, disabled, and unemployed white ppl to blame the rest of the world for all their problems. Its pretty much boomer aol with more autism.
TW is a place for retired, disabled, and unemployed white ppl to blame the rest of the world for all their problems. Its pretty much boomer aol with more autism.

God I hate fucking white people

just go extinct and kill yourselves and overdose already

get out of the POCs way. you had your turn and you ruined :flag:

And I say that as a white male who lives in VERMONT

the whitest place on planet

and still says Bernie Sanders is white enough for me if you jew know what i mean

only he can save us........only he can save this forum

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Free Speech Reigns on TribalWar
That's all that matters.

I hate free speech

it is the only free thing I wish all the freebie hand out politicians would just forcefully take away from us forever

i mean the cost of my hurt feelings over words i don't like is beyond compensation

i hate it

i hate it

they need to call it hate speech already ffs
I cam for the TubGirl
I stayed for the Free Speech

although it's a bit hard to hear cumdumps whine and make no sense sometimes... i suffer through for the 1st.
Speaking of tubgirl, What happened to the girl who was a Cowboy Bebop fan and did the Vanguard logo on her chest with Twizzlers?
hell yeah 90 year old get off my lawn murica guns and ammo

still whoop the shit out of your whiny bitch ass :eek:)
P much politics with some video game nostalgia that gets shot down quickly

Also politics, which is a strange place to converse on what was a gaming forum.

I guess is their safe space.

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This place was perfectly fine to discuss politics when obama was president or bush. Only now that trump is president is politics somehow frowned upon on here.

The story is the same on here as it is everywhere else. People/liberals cant stand to see other happy that they have a president that they truly support.