How would you describe TribalWar today? What's the vibe of this place?


Veteran XX
So I took about a 9 year hiatus from posting and have checked back here a little bit recently and I can't quite figure out the vibe.

In 2010, right before I moved to LA and started having sex with supermodels (hence why post on this turdbox), it started to get a little weird if I recall. Jokes aside, all I can remember is that people started getting pretty weird.. even by TW standards. Goshin was a big reason I stopped posting.. dude was an attenion whore and getting naked and all this stuff so I was like shit's getting weird, I'm out.

Now I can't tell if everyone is into politics and are Trump supporters or are making jokes about Trump supporters...

How would you describe TW to a close friend? A psychologist?
Is it that time of the month again? Somebody link SS the other 50 threads on this same topic.
Angry middle-aged societal rejects who believe anything they read and blame all of the world's problems on brown people and Jews
P much politics with some video game nostalgia that gets shot down quickly

Also politics, which is a strange place to converse on what was a gaming forum.

I guess is their safe space.

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The story of TW today


SSX? That you?

This place is a far shell of its former self.

The people who actually played Tribes and made the forum a great/fun/interesting place (people like....Aestis for example!!) have mostly long since moved on (besides the occasional cool folk like TPK, Groove, some TF boys, etc)
They're certainly not doing us any favors

gottem pagy

so hard he couldn't help but admit it

where is the MUHHHHH RUSSIA tears today, aScotiA?

where on the world map did Vlad Putin touch you today exactly?

when it isn't white conservatives to blame

it had to be that predominantly white country far far away that is to blame for all your endless self hatred issues you obviously suffer from

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Well, it’s lost the skiing down a hill to disc jump and rain mortars upon the flag stand feeling, that’s for sure.

Pre 9-11 this place was the balls, seems at some point after that the good vibes went down hill and we lost our diversity along that path. But tbh, that’s all media, so not sure what the fix could be.

Also, Goshin is why I stayed, that kid rocks.