[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

:lol: Double Digit Lead. I bet Trump can't wait to get started ripping this old rich racist white guy to pieces

Joe Bidens Jumbled Iraq War Revisionism | RealClearPolitics

“Yes, I did oppose the war before it began.” That was Joe Biden’s latest rendering of his position on the Iraq War, offered at a campaign event Sept. 6 in New Castle, N.H.

Hours before the invasion was launched, on March 19, 2003, Biden told CNN: “I support the president. I support the troops. We should make no distinction. … Let's get this war done.”
CNN.com - Transcripts

The day of Colin Powell’s infamous speech at the United Nations Security Council – on Feb. 5, 2003 – Biden, then the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, addressed reporters to praise Powell’s performance. “I think Secretary Powell made a very powerful, and I think irrefutable, case today,” Biden said. “… The evidence he produced confirms what I believe and I have known for some time now: Saddam Hussein continues to – he continues to attempt to maintain and garner additional weapons of mass destruction.”

“The case is overwhelming,” Biden said.
Iraqi Weapons Violations | C-SPAN.org

Asked at the New Hampshire event why he voted to authorize a war that he supposedly opposed, Biden told me: “I’m the guy that when we went in, and I said at the time, that we cannot in fact sustain doing this. We have to protect the troops, but we should get out.”

But again, the public record shows this to be false. In a speech on July 31, 2003, months after the invasion, Biden lauded “our spectacular military victory in Iraq” and rebuked fellow Democrats calling for a prompt withdrawal. “We can be put in the position where we decide we have to get out and lose Iraq. That's a very bad option.”

“Contrary to what some in my party might think, Iraq was a problem that had to be dealt with sooner rather than later,” Biden said during the speech. “So I commend the president. He was right to enforce the solemn commitments made by Saddam.”

It’s unclear whether the Delaware senator genuinely believes the tale he is currently telling, or if it’s the product of his apparent cognitive decline – which has resulted in all manner of statements where he fails to formulate coherent thoughts or recall basic facts. Likely it’s some combination of these factors. Either way, the real history of how one of the most disastrous foreign policy misadventures in U.S. history came about – and Biden’s key role in it – cannot be neglected as Biden seeks the presidency in 2020.
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This is just :ftard:

... with elections like these, perception matters almost as much as reality. And the perception is, undoubtedly, one of strength for Democrats going into a big election year at all levels.

yeah, but you still lost. That is all that matters at the end of the day.
I love a good troll :lol:

You could learn a lot from him on how not to suck at trolling

You do realize to actually troll somebody you have to make them upset. Nobody here gives a fuck about what you have to say or the articles you post all day. You are only fooling yourself.
liberals lose because they choose gender or race over qualifications..simple fact.

"I am voting for Hillary because we need a woman in the white house!"
i got some beach boys looping on the am radio in my 1957 studebaker, i got my straw hat and car print pattern bowler shirt, and i'm dawdling at every intersection

u can't boom as hard as this, millenial scum :cool:
u know all of the "views" are basically the handful of spergs like u who hover in this thread and the assload of bots that pilfer this shit show :lol:

says the guy F5'ing the shit out of the thread (again) today

multi-post back to back spamming us (again)

says the person with so little self control, impulse understanding, that he has more posts in this thread than SamUWell, lemon, than Scoobysnack.

Who somehow, despite never having anything to say but cries of pain and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEe + BOOMER BOOMER BOOOMER has more posts in this thread than even VANSTER himself

LMAO :rofl:

I mean you can just STFU if you don't like what you read on the internet

You can just go away and be silent and not look at it

but I don't think you have figured that out yet

you don't have that level of control over yourself

I can show you how if you want? I can teach you how to do this?

It seems like a better choice than endlessly roaming from thread to thread, anywhere where you can get an audience, be annoying and muster desperation attention, than being as irritable to the rest of the online world as you likely are your own family all day :stab:

i know i know jokes on us bartending MIDGEDUBAI with perhaps even less self awareness

it's all gibberish
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that is great news

US-Canada plan to resettle 100,000 Palestinian refugees in Canada Middle East Monitor

I mean new greater Israel is going to be awesome

and we are going to pay for that in pretty much any and all ways it looks like

Kushner's peace plan with Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq where he pays them (with :flag: money and aid) to take these Palestinian's actually sounds better than where they will be headed otherwise (see above)

they are empire building and using the excavated dirt (people) to flood our streets where all our resources and money used to be


no wonder ANUBIS feels like he has a say in our politics now