[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread



these were the last strong men to visit Finland in past 100 years

rest are raped low t and iq snow peasants of Bolshevik invaders

About a month ago the father-in-law came back from a trip to visit his aunt and visited the Polar Bear memorial where one of his relatives is buried. Only got to see pictures of pictures but evidently there's a good bit of memorabilia.

Kinda wild to see the Polar Bears referenced in a month.
yeah its a good thing Lenin and the communist saved so many lives after that

there is a good reason (((they))) want Russia as our enemy today

not so much before 1988 when they still screwed over this country for them and their USSR

now they have a McCarthy Era control system against Trump and anyone who speaks to Russia

implemented by actual Communist voters and sympathizers....like Comey and Brennan

John Brennans secret trip to Moscow

well, one that only selectively applies to some people (like only Trump's people)

they say that an ex lover or wife has some good stories to tell

and the stories Russia could tell us if we listened

Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish | The Times of Israel

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime

Putin makes joke about Jews and money, speaks Hebrew - Israel News - Haaretz.com

i remember learning pretty much everything there is to know about the Holocaust. and everyone involved

Holodomor - Wikipedia

I didn't know what Holodomor was until like last year (even though it killed more than 2x the people of the Holocaust)

Genrikh Yagoda - Wikipedia

never heard of this guy before in my life

or the dozen others who were just as bad and most American's were never the wiser of

the people Patton essentially was forced (because boy did he bitch) to give the soft underbelly of Europe over to after WW2 ended.

I mean imagine being Hungary or Poland lectured about this by Mike Pence or Bibi and them demanding reparations after the 60 years of pure hell the (((Commies))) put them through.

Takes some real Chutzpah I believe the correct word is
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Trump trying to ban ecigs

Dude is banning everything guns, ecigs? Whats next

This is worse than owebamaaa

What happened to small gov
About a month ago the father-in-law came back from a trip to visit his aunt and visited the Polar Bear memorial where one of his relatives is buried. Only got to see pictures of pictures but evidently there's a good bit of memorabilia.

Kinda wild to see the Polar Bears referenced in a month.

That is very cool.

I didn't even know what this was either until not too long ago.

I have spent a good amount of my time at night, when away from TW, reading about long lost family.....it all started with a few books of distant relatives that have been published.

I knew they made sacrifices but nothing like this.

And meanwhile the only reason Finland is a country, not an annexed possession of Russia, is because of the sacrifices people like our family made, people from a world away, to protect a country now full of absent types.......or self hating and Stockholm Syndrome Swedes.

talk about making me the ultimate non-interventionist....if I wasn't already since 2001
Trump trying to ban ecigs

Dude is banning everything guns, ecigs? Whats next

This is worse than owebamaaa

What happened to small gov

small governemnt....:lol:

from a NY property developer

that's a good one :)

we realized somewhere along the way that our GDP was the governement

and never stopped spending since then

The National Debt Is Now More Than Ten Times Annual Tax Receipts | Zero Hedge

we tried to separate the country from the cancer

realized that at this point we need more cancer to stay alive

have anything left of substance

so full cancer ahead

you should see the next jewish kid, buddy of Kushner, to replace John Bolton
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get your dirty hands off bernie



even when protesting he makes everyone else do the heavy lifting and work of carrying him


wish i could find the non-spanish version of this to link to

no wonder it is so popular in spanish.......south america, spain, portugal (ANUBIS :ftard:)

it is in their blood to soak up communist ag prop like a thirsty sponge (to be poorly exploited dirt people)

Iddo Goldberg - Wikipedia

he really did a great job with that performance

it is in his blood too

every time you get more than two jews in a room this is what I picture happening
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yes... blackpeople with his one liners is the one who is wasting his time and energy....

still have to come in to a thread you don't care about and read posts by people you hate to reply with one liners thousands of times that don't amount to anything of worth to anyone. :shrug:
still have to come in to a thread you don't care about and read posts by people you hate to reply with one liners thousands of times that don't amount to anything of worth to anyone. :shrug:

You throw your cigarette butts on the sidewalk don't you
Republican brain trust fired, bunch of ppl who sucked his dick a decade ago acting like they never liked him today :lol:

i don't know about that one

all the gatekeepers seem pretty upset


like not bomb iran and syria for no reason upset

which I recall you being pretty upset yourself about during Owebama red line in the sand years

Tucker the only thing on Fox News worth watching

that Ruperts retard kids haven't figured out how to ruin on that entire Network yet

and boy oh boy are they trying

maybe they can fire him just before 2024 so I can have someone I care to vote for again

there are two types of Conservatives.....and only one type, which there are very few of, or are allowed on TV to speak still, will tell us why the other group are nothing but ZIONIST serving WHORES for hire
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