being fired vs putting in two weeks


Veteran XX
Ive been working at the same company for 4 years now. The first boss I had was amazing and I learned so much from him. The last two years have been hell, my boss is a fucking boyscout cunt clog and he is a HR eknight in a sector that hr typically looks the other way. Im thinking of just bailing because Im almost certain ill be fired. This is sales
sales is always a high turn over rate. out of the 200 or so salespeople my company has at any given time, over the 11 years i have been there, i think i have seen like 10 stay long term. i never expect to learn who they are, they are here and gone.
It’s better to get fired so you can collect on unemployment. Use unemployment benefits to take classes at community college. Do Takl and craigslist gigs for tax free money.

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Something doesn't sound quite right here...

Have you not been learning anything new in the past two years then? Just doing the same thing over and over? Because that can be an issue in itself.

And why would you think you're going to get fired? Has your performance been called into question (recently)? Or are they looking to downsize?

Companies don't just spontaneously / randomly fire people. There has to be some background to it.

Agree with having an exit strategy first though. Just leaving and hoping things will work out leaves you open to financial problems.
Something doesn't sound quite right here...

Have you not been learning anything new in the past two years then? Just doing the same thing over and over? Because that can be an issue in itself.

And why would you think you're going to get fired? Has your performance been called into question (recently)? Or are they looking to downsize?

Companies don't just spontaneously / randomly fire people. There has to be some background to it.

Agree with having an exit strategy first though. Just leaving and hoping things will work out leaves you open to financial problems.

Agreed and your answer is already there.
The last two years have been hell, my boss is a fucking boyscout cunt clog and he is a HR eknight in a sector that hr typically looks the other way. Im thinking of just bailing because Im almost certain ill be fired.
Sounds like the PC police have come and Synth is a bad boy who just likes to balltap his buddies and fart in the girl's coffee mugs.
Agreed about what GFKC said. If you've been there 4 years then you can become the new manager. Talk to the boss above the one you have now. If you don't have a college degree, then you might not be able to move up, because companies use that as a weed out. If the upper managers have not come to you (take you under their wing), then it probably won't happen. But then you would have to decide if you would want to manage a group of people.
I don't waste any time looking for something else once I find myself in a miserable working environment. Go to where you are happy and they treat you well.
Doesn't matter. *They can't tell prospective employers anything but the time you worked for them/salary.

See: Law

*With caveats for security related checks.. which they don't do in sales..
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if ur truely sales oriented, do it. fuck them, they're for sure not sales oriented. that being said, shit doesn't grow on trees for free, so someone needs to stay on top of shit. who is it?