[NZ] mosque shooting

ultra-conservative islam and far right wing white supremacists have a lot of things in common, two incel peas in a pod
Might wanna consider the implications. No matter which side triumphs, progressives are gonna get their shit pushed into the last century.
Might wanna consider the implications. No matter which side triumphs, progressives are gonna get their shit pushed into the last century.

y'all qaeda has a few enclaves, but they're being deplatformed to fantastic effect :king:

They can still use pen and paper, like last century
I'm curious as to what you classify as ultra-conservative islam and what percentage of all muslims you think that covers
ultra-conservative islam and far right wing white supremacists have a lot of things in common, two incel peas in a pod

Specifically what group of "far right wing white supremacists" are you talking about?

You couldn't answer my last question, maybe you can this time but i doubt it.
y'all qaeda has a few enclaves, but they're being deplatformed to fantastic effect :king:

They can still use pen and paper, like last century



complaining is worse charges than murder now

bitching online is worse than being a terrorist

one white person, even (((fellow white person))) makes all white people everywhere guilty........while you tell muslims and africans they can't even be held accountable or responsible for their own actions (no matter how awful)


bold strategy cotton lets see how it pays off


if history is any indication, I have some serious assumptions
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omggggggg mun still jakkn him big blak fukkn munc0ck 2 dia sh00tn gopr0 vidya omggggg wutta fukkn sharpsh00ta d00 b :king:

When a Muslim kills a shitton of humans, for days, weeks, and months, we are bombarded with (and even on this board), "Not all Muslims are terrorists." and, "We need to understand why they are acting out like they are, and alter our lives/laws to accommodate them." Hell, we can make a thread about it and the same people come running into the thread to rescue the Muslims and try to change to the topic of conversation to the Catholics.

Yet after this professional op, we are told, "All white people are evil and responsible for this attack." Who cares why these people attacked the Mosque... they are white and whites should die.

Granted, I have been working a LOT these past few weeks so I haven't had time to dig into this op like I normally would but from what little I have seen, the Jews are in overdrive with blaming this attack on all white people and gun owners. All the cucked-out White nations (minus Canada - at least from what I have seen) are squeezing their white citizens and this will have long-lasting negative effects on the populace.

The White race dominated the planet with crude weapons 400+ years ago; I don't know why these other races would think they can do anything remotely close to pacifying white nations now. Now we see why they are all pushing for Totalitarian Police States in the name of 'Progress'.

"It's always the other guys fault."
Great post as usual, Sam.

According to a recent WECHAT poll inside China 60% of Chinese citizens saw this attack as a form of "revenge" over say defined "terrorism"........this sure shows an East Vs. West divergence in opinion and tribal conquest understanding. Source

All I know is that they fucking hate us and they want us dead

There is a reason (((they))) keep laughing at white suicide rates and our declining mortality rates


why most of us no longer want children or care about our own future

They are 100% open about their true goals and objectives at this point....no longer shy or hiding it

Why we vote Trump and Brexit and always just get more swamp.

They now say Brexit might take over 10 years and only if Germany tells them how they can do it :lol:

Whereas in NZ they will get complete gun control confiscation within next 10 days over a single tragedy.

The over reaction is instant. Our votes and voices of concern never seem matter at all.

NZ is obviously a nation of sick degenerate sheep.......not just your run of the mill sheep fuckers

There were tweets yesterday of "farmers" lining up to turn in all their semi-automatic weapons, because they didn't want to own such a dangerous weapon anymore. The blood felt like it was on their hands after all the public shaming. It weighed too heavy on their guilt and conscience "Mr. Hart" said. Source

I just scoff at these charades, this circus, and am simply reminded of the UK most of them, like with Coombz, who just barely escaped from that hell hole to start a new one. How their politicians not only went after the guns but the knives. They are actually suggesting, not even as a joke, that knives need some kind of GPS tracking and monitor system with all the violent crime and killings they are seeing.

That is where their collective discussion of self hatred is at. How dishonest it has become.

So perhaps New Zealanders should just pre-preemptively give up those as well. No real need for a blade to cut your meat......you don't even need meat. You are the meat. Plus it would truly show how virtuous and grandiose progressive they really are.

Western World not only on the decline........but absolute suicide watch now.

and this is the final chorus they put on for me to listen to




I get to listen to Zionist nationals who always put their people first, their chosen agenda before the rest of the world, have genetic based DNA testing before issuing marriage licenses or citizenship, have their walls, have their barriers, and internal detainment camp anyone who doesn't think or look like them, lecture me about caring about my family and people more than people who pray for my death and dismemberment.

Not much any sane person can do but roll over a die (like they are), give up and accept their fate, or watch in shame and disgust as they have no choice but to start creating their own fortresses and doomsday bunkers.
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Jewsmedia is a form of torture. Here's what you learn from the lügenpresse:

- The White race doesn't exist.
- These people who irrationally believe they exist (maybe because the government discriminates against them and they pay all the taxes and suffer all abuse in media?) are angry for invalid reasons.
- White people, who don't exist, want to supremacize all over all muds.

So, summa summarum:
Whites don't exist.
No "white" concern is legitimate.
White countries cannot be a thing since the White race isn't a thing.
All "white" politics is driven by hatred.
Expressions of hatred must be clamped down on more than ever.

To understand how the media-apparatus operates, imagine endless discussions on addition by the lying talking heads on TV. 2+2... what is it? But the answer 4 is never allowed into discussion. So you get an infinite loop of 3 and 5 and 24... but never 4. What would be the effect on people exposed to this monotonous, specific form of lying over decades? They call what they do dialogue or discussion, but the solution is always off the table. This is the media people are forced to consume. Basically honest people reading, hearing and seeing media produced by basically dishonest people - the jews.

The media is designed to produce in people two things: confusion, followed by fear. You'd better not speak about the immense gap between what you personally see and experience and what you read and hear on TV. If you do, you will be destroyed.
Multiculturalism is like a stranger coming into your home, rearranging your furniture, telling you that one room in your house is off limits, then 2 rooms, then he attacks your wife in another before finally telling you to leave. Your only compensation is he makes a great curry.

Multiculturalism is such a runaway success that we need constant strategies for race relations, forced employment practices, dozens of linguists at every public institution, millions of new homes, speech laws/prison sentences, and constant reminders that diversity is our strength


I've listened to this guy......and it all makes sense after listening to him

and why Trump is such a Chump now

This is the absolute state of Conservatism now.

There will be nothing let to conserve once they are done with it

Whereas this is extreme right wing radicalism


not a the minimum we used to demand and ask for

Adam Serwer: White Nationalism’s Deep American Roots - The Atlantic

according to this 100% of our founding fathers were white nationalists......so of course now their ancestors also are by default
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i realize that u are a bartender.....extremely low iq but lots of social arm thrusting skills

so that last graphic, chosen by Haaretz, a predominantly Israeli Jewish publication, non-ironically may I add, was from the Charlie Hedbo publication incident which left 12 people dead in front of their hq in Paris, France.

On 7 January 2015, two Islamist terrorists stormed the Charlie Hebdo offices and killed twelve. Afterwards, they reportedly declared, "We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad. We have killed Charlie Hebdo!"[18]

Charlie Hebdo issue No. 1011 - Wikipedia

A rather strange graphic to pick to go with the title "Europe needs its Muslims too much to fight them" wouldn't you think? Wait......that's the problem you don't think.

Well now you are all caught up......so you can fall further behind.

That is as much as I can assist you given your predisposition to just make actual autism whistle noises in substitution of having any kind of education or reading capacity about the topics in threads you post in
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i realize that u are a bartender.....extremely low iq but lots of social arm thrusting skills

so that last graphic, chosen by Haaretz, a predominantly Israeli Jewish publication, non-ironically may I add, was from the Charlie Hedbo publication incident which left 12 people dead in front of their hq in Paris, France.

Charlie Hebdo issue No. 1011 - Wikipedia

A rather strange graphic to pick to go with the title "Europe needs its Muslims too much to fight them" wouldn't you think? Wait......that's the problem you don't think.

Well now you are all caught up......so you can fall further behind.

That is as much as I can assist you given your predisposition to just make actual autism whistle noises in substitution of having any kind of education or reading capacity about the topics in threads you post in
