Is the NFL/NBA taking a hit on viewership?

I'm one of the biggest Bronco fans you'll ever meet, and Elway is a god, but as a fun fact, Elway retired a decade before players were required to be on the field for the National Anthem.

Fun fact - The anthem has been a part of football since 1941. Elway was born in 1960.
Also - look how fast the media is shutting the fuck up about this thing. :lol: The message we are sending is starting to sink in. Sick of all this bullshit. Everyone STFU - go to work. Work hard, play hard. Follow the rules - mostly. Love your family and friends. Help a brother out once in awhile (above the third of your wages that already go for that). If you don't have anything nice to say - don't say it at all. If you want change - use the law. be thankful for what we already have in this great country. Respect the constitution and don't be a dick. Done.
Fun fact - The anthem has been a part of football since 1941. Elway was born in 1960.

Yes, and until 2009, most teams were in the locker room / tunnel for the anthem. The anthem would play, then the teams would take the field.

It wasn't until 2009 that players were required to be on the field for it.
It didn't need to be a rule. They started in colleges way before that. Here are some fine Oregonians in 1957.

Also - here is what the Oregon team looks like in 2017.
Notice any changes?
Wut happen? We are spossed to be right? How can we be so wrong?

NFL anthem protest poll good for Trump; ESPN guest admits ‘media bubble’ distorts coverage - Washington Times

"All I’m telling you is that I believe often in the Northeast, we live in a media bubble or even a cultural bubble in the Northeast,” Mr. Cain said after citing a Remington Research Group poll on the protests, The Daily Caller reported. “We are greatly underestimating the resentment in the public evidenced by [Alejandro] Villanueva’s jersey sales [and] the ratings. I’m just telling you. I have no idea how, but it’s real.”
When the fuck are these asshats going to get it? And - the solution is SIMPLE. Do your fucking job. Be professional. STFU and PLAY BALL motherfuckers. Start cutting back on the ads too. Maybe get rid of referees time outs. Teams - quit moving cities. Players - start proper tackling. Good god. No wonder everyone started to quit watching a few years ago.
However... there will be a letter soon

No player protests allowed at NFL facilities.

Yours Truly,
Old angry reverse social justice warriors outraged


They've turned into the she they all hate :lol:: whiney crybaby thread
:lol: those noobs giving us a taste of our own medicine wat a bunch of losers :lol: :lol: :lol: come up w/ ur own strategery u lame whyte bois :lol: :lol: :jester: :rofl: :king: :lol: