Is the NFL/NBA taking a hit on viewership?

Can't stop the bleeding...

Another Louisiana company has said it will no longer promote the NFL or New Orleans Saints brand after league-wide protests during the national anthem last week.

Schilling Distributing Company, based in Lafayette, said it plans to pull all of its Bud Light "point of sale" material featuring the league and team's logo.
34,031 now.

To review

The survey addresses the Trump factor directly:

Q7: Last week, Donald Trump said NFL players should stand and be respectful during the national anthem. Do you think NFL players should stand and be respectful during the national anthem?

Yes: 64%

No: 25%

Unsure: 11%

Q8: On Sunday, a number of NFL players knelt during the national anthem in protest of Donald Trump’s statements, including players from your favorite team. Does this make you more likely or less likely to watch your favorite team’s games in the future?

More likely: 30%

Less likely: 50%

No difference: 20%

That two-question sequence is devastating for the NFL. Within the space of those questions, the poll establishes that a significant majority of the American people agree with what Trump said in Alabama on Friday night. Moreover, it also shows that the NFL’s response to President Trump was a complete failure.

Not only that, the poll shows that President Trump is more popular than NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell personally:

Q1: What is your opinion of Donald Trump?

Favorable: 46%

Unfavorable: 47%

No opinion: 7%

Q2: What is your opinion of Roger Goodell?

Favorable: 12%

Unfavorable: 36%

No opinion: 52%

This crystallizes, as Daniel Flynn noted on the sports page a few days ago, just how well Donald Trump has chosen his enemies. In picking a fight with the NFL, headed-up by Roger Goodell, Trump pits himself against people that the public essentially loathes. Making it next to impossible for him to come out the loser in any kind of PR conflict. While President Trump may have his difficulties from time-to-time, he is infinitely more popular than the people he’s criticizing.

Drop the hammer
The macro numbers in this are bad, of course, with a majority saying they’ve watched less football. However, one would think that with the NFL’s embrace of left-wing politics, that they would at least gain some Democrats while losing Republicans and Indies. Clearly, that is not the case. It turns out even a significant portion of Democrats are turned off by what they’re watching on Sunday.

Again, this is one survey, others will have to come out showing similar things in order to draw long-lasting conclusions. However, if these numbers are accurate, the heavyweight bout between the leader of the free world and the richest sport in the land, is a first-round, one-punch knockout.

Good thing the feds paid the NFL to have players stand for the anthem, true patriotism in the USA is always about money.
Their white owners are going to tell their 'employees' to shut up and stop disrespecting the flag at NFL events.

The 'employees' are going to do what their owners say.

Seems fair
You cucks raging about kneeling is the biggest collective cry fest this country has seen since the black guy got re-elected.

yeah it'll be just like all the other times in American history that stupid rednecks got in a froth about blacks protesting inequality

if you just keep shouting about how those damn ungrateful niggers should shut up and know their place, THEY TOTALLY WILL