Officially retiring from TW thread

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I wish an admin would delete every reply in this thread and make it invisible for everyone but mitch. That way when he comes back tomorrow it will look like no one cared enough to even respond.
Mitch you could just put a bunch of people on ignore, and others can put you on ignore, and move on.
Wait, which thread is he retiring from? Title states he is offically retiring from TW thread. but there are so many threads. Which one is it!?
Six pages.

Six gott dang effen pages.

You got trollbaited TeeDubya, and you got trollbaited hard.
You can't leave TribalWar. Because TribalWar won't ever leave you. Simple as that.

When the Rapture begins, we will be left alone here on earth to fight Satan's army. We might as well kill Jesus and God Him self. TribalWar will rule this earf

The Mayans wrote this prophecy
Seriously though, this nexting crap has to stop. Put someone on pignore if they bug you that much. Insult them all you want, change their title, spam their threads, call them cucks, whatever.

If someone bothers you so much that you have to go after them in real life, you are the one with the problem.
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