rank the republican candidates for president

Lindsey Ham made me burst out laughing when I heard him say something along the lines of "do blahblahblah or we are all going to get killed", ya sure buddy. That effeminate southern drawl really makes him sound like the worlds biggest pushover.
You're welcome.

I'm going with Bernie I think.
no offense dude but, i dont buy that for a second. you will vote for Hillary.

and i am going to go out on a limb here and predict that Hillary, sometime during her campaign, after her numbers begin to fall, is going to admit to being a Socialist, just to garner even more of the retarded leftist vote.

and the sad part is that the idiot American left is going to believe her.

the left has gone totally militant which is funny seeing as how they are deathly afraid of guns.

I'm a liberal professor, and my liberal students terrify me
ill take cruz, paul or walker. if none of those are the GOP candidate ill vote for a third party. im not going to vote for a GOP thats gonna be as bad as hillary or obama.
iseepedo will pretend to vote republican until some msnbc report is released on his pretend candidate and vote dem because "WELL HE HAS NO CHOICE" lol
This. The media seems to be picking Jeb. I don't understand why Walker is not doing better, when it seems the people want him. It's that thing where the left wing media is picking the candidate for the right. I'd rather have Walker / Rubio.

This is the dilema.

The people need to be sold/told what they want

Most no longer have the ability to decide anything, even what to eat, for themselves anymore.

And I have come to the conclusion recently that there is no such thing as left or right media in this country anymore.....merely differences and deviations in the will of their corporate sponsorship.

One group of transnational corporate sponsors pulling for one direction to achieve their goals......Another group pulling in another.


etc, etc


today I think I'm hungry for right twix...since left twix gave me indigestion yesterday.


wash it down with some pepsi too
"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." - Frank Zappa
the left has gone totally militant which is funny seeing as how they are deathly afraid of guns.

of all the things to be deathly afraid of, it makes sense to be somewhat cautious about the use of a product that is designed to cause death, and marketed on the basis of how lethal it is

but what do i know im just a shitposter