Fantasy/Sci-fi Book recommendations revisited

Which one is Empire of Man? Is that the Dahak series, the one co written with John Ringo, or is it a third option I dont know about?

sorry i missed this

its the one with the annoying cunt prince who leads marines and then aliens who look like goro through the jungle planet and then to other worlds

anyone have recommendations for wh40k books? im 3/4 with the inquisitor series now. pretty good, better than i would have thought
The Steel Remains by Richard Morgan is also pretty good if you don't mind explicit gay sex scenes (not lesbian). Has some funny lines, too.

<insert rousing speech>
friend looks around...
"I'm with the faggot."

Also just finished the Curse of the Mistwraith by Janny Wurts, which is pretty good and not the DnD tale I was led to believe.

Axis trilogy is ok as well--also Sara Douglas just died so any signed copies you might have just jumped in value.
Bumping this after starting RA Salvatore's new novel neverwinter... only about 1/2 done and am so annoyed i almost don't want to finish.

I grew up on the drizzt novels and loved them, but for some reason salvatore has moved away from solid action and story lines to having books full of chapter long moral dilemmas concerning the main characters. 90% sure the drizzt story will end with him slitting his wrists in a tub somewhere if he gets any more emo
Into book three of Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen series.

Book 2 was rough until halfway through, but Memories of Ice is awesome right from the start. Taking massive advantage of the world building in the first two.
Into book three of Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen series.

Book 2 was rough until halfway through, but Memories of Ice is awesome right from the start. Taking massive advantage of the world building in the first two.

i'm on book 3 of that also. i like the overall story and his writing style, but so far i'm having a little trouble seeing it as cohesive. is each book supposed to be a separate story, or is he somehow going to link everything together in the end--something that seems damn near impossible since the plot lines seem so unrelated.

 book 1 and 2 ended with cliffhangers that have hardly been mentioned so far in book 3 (i'm maybe 1/6 of the way in. no mention of the whirlwind froom book 2 and little mention of the empress from book 1. book 3 seems well on its way to new plotlines so far 
book 2 didn't seem to wrap up  the whirlwind  so i figure that's got to come back in at some point. so far i have not gotten the impression that they are both in the same time period, but i could definitely be overlooking that.
Both books picked up where book 1 ended, so its an assumption on my part. Fiddler and Kalam and the two kids took off for Seven Cities, Whiskeyjack and the rest of the Bridgeburners stayed with Dujek to make nice with Caladan Brood and go put down the new enemy sweeping across the Genabackan continent.
I finished Book 10 of the Malazan series this week... what a fucking hike that was :p I don't know... mixed feelings about the last few books.

Just started Dance w/ Dragons.
Are the Malazan ones worth reading?

I just finished the Safehold series by Weber and Snuff, which quite possible could be Pratchett's last book =(
I had a lot of trouble getting through the first malazan book, not a fan of novels with all-powerful characters/gods walking around that basically make any normal human insignificant
I had a lot of trouble getting through the first malazan book, not a fan of novels with all-powerful characters/gods walking around that basically make any normal human insignificant

That seems to be basically the whole series. I made it to book 4 or 5 and said fuck it. If anyone remotely interesting dies, they are probably either not really dead or will come back as part of the pantheon or something. It's about as far as you can get from GRRM style storytelling.

Plus, I'm half convinced Erikson just wrote in all his favorite super heroes/super villians and just changed their names. I mean...he's pretty much got Incredible Hulk and Doomsday in there.