Fantasy/Sci-fi Book recommendations revisited

"has been called Harry Potter for adults" ... I guess I'll give it a try if I don't find anything else.
Just hoping it doesn't have elves and goblins etc.

I should really go through this thread again. I've read some amazing books that were suggested and surely some of them must have had sequels released since.
There was one particular I've been meaning to look into... it was the first book of a new series (Sanderson maybe?), some elements of magic/alchemy and power armor. That book was great.
It doesn't.
^ cool. Thanks.

Are you serious? Although the first few books are great, I thought the last couple that Jordan wrote prior to death were ass... Imo it got a lot better after the author switch.

Yeah i didn't really like the tone after the author switch

I thought Jordan's last couple books were pretty weak as well but the whole WoT series should have been much shorter.
Just picked up
Design for a great-day.

Originally written by Eric Frank Russell
But this version was updated and rewritten by Alan Dean Foster.

found it for quarter at a thrift shop that has a huge amount of paper backs... I found like 20 books I want to read in there.

I read that this weekend. It is okay, but it is like a home schooled harry potteresque style. He has some good humor and character interactions that help it a long. Should probably be in the young adult section
Yeah I'm hoping the next Dresden book is better


Butcher really pissed me off with Ghost Story:


Cold Days had better make up for it otherwise I'll just read summaries on Wikipedia for the rest of the series.
I think my biggest problem with ghost stories was That James Marster (Spike from Buffy the Vampire slayer) wasn't available to do the Audio book. I'm a huge fan of the audio book versions and Marster really does a bang up job. Supposedly Butcher has insisted that Marster will be doing the next book.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you've read the books already go back and listen to the audiobook version.
didnt read thread

just got done with 'the blade itself' and it was fucking amazing (first in the 'first law'??? trilogy?)

but I also just finished reading rynn's world (a 40k novel yeah yeah yeah) which turned out to be way way way way more than I thought it would

my plan for the next 2 weeks is to finish the book of the old sun and re-read gormenghast

edit: codfur you should really read at the mountains of madness (ves if thats been covered, havent read thread)

it's true fucking horror, since when it was written the south pole might as well have been fucking mars
^ cool. Thanks.

Are you serious? Although the first few books are great, I thought the last couple that Jordan wrote prior to death were ass... Imo it got a lot better after the author switch.

I'm reading it right now on the recommendation of a friend; so far halfway through book 3. In my opinion, book 2 was amazing and 3 is looking great so far, but book 1 was basically shit. I feel like he didn't explain basic things, that were needed for the story to make any sense at all. Even things that the main characters seemed to already know, but were never announced.


Plus the way that none of the magic is ever explained until book 2, made the whole thing seem like a big Deus Ex Machina waiting to happen.

Plus the entire book had a sort of LOTR feel to it. I can't recall specifics but I remember thinking at several points "This is direct plagiarism"
I'm re-reading "Wise Man's Fear" right now, and I can't for the life of me figure out what the fuck to read afterwards. Feel like nothing is going to compare :disgust:
So since I was getting tired of regular fantasy/scifi I decided to start reading a lot of the star wars books.

Mostly everything that didn't involve episodes 1-3 and the random crap stories.

The Thrawn series
The Yuuzhan Vong series
Legacy/Fate series were all great.

Some of the Sith stuff is really good.

Now that I polished it off I'm trying to get into reading the WH40k series.

I'm on book 3 of Gaunts Ghosts and I have all of the Horus Heresy to read as well.

What are good series (preferably completed) in the 40k series to jump on?