[video] WoW Lady Gaga Has Talent :)

Never been a fan of her music but that was nothing short of flawless. I heard this on Howard's show the other day and was blown away. Girl has got talent.
I like Bad Romance but the rest of her music can eat a bag of hell, but this pretty good, why doesn't she do more shit like this?

*edit* Oh yeah, good music doesn't sell.
No this just means she's gonna have a long carrer and 'evolve' out of her current shitty music style. It's all good.
I saw this when she first came out and was unbelievably impressed

And anyone who says she's an idiot for the way she dresses and stuff...do you think she ever would have gotten noticed as "Stefani Germanotta" wearing normal clothes?

She branded the shit out of herself and now she's a huge pop star. I don't love all her music (Bad Romance was pretty incredible though), but I respect her bigtime.
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