I just paid $180 for a bottle of beer

utopias is awesome. there is potential for profit. especially if you save it for a year or two. definitely worth it to try it once. better to split a bottle with 1 or 2 other people imo.
You really don't get it. It's not about alcohol content. It's about creativity and innovation. It's about pushing the limits of conventional brewing knowledge simply for the sake of being different and seeing if you can get something better out of it.

Shit man, it's art.

No way man it's all about doing something the exact same way for centuries. That's the only way you get true quality worthy of a true beer snob.
:shrug: who do I trust, a forum of nerdvirgins, or a plethora of food and wine critics?

Yep, thats right the food critics win out over the blindly patriotic nerdvirgins :D
Oh, and just for the hell of it, here's a little clip from Beer Advocate magazine found here:
Beer Advocate Magazine | Volume II Issue XI


Looks like your Belgian beers make a strong showing at #16, right below 15 American brewers. Oddly enough, 2 of the top 5 are the most excellent local southern California brewers, Alesmith and Stone.

And poor old #16 is Chimay, the one Belgian brewer you don't like.
i find that tw's tastes are usually similar to mine. much more so than food/wine/beer/movie/game critics. i'll take tw's word over some rando i'm supposed to trust because they're an "expert"
Yes, the same ones who gave better reviews to the trappists I mentioned. The thing is, you guys seem to think I called utopia shit. I didn't, I merely implied it was a waste of money. Then like a mraahhhh nerdvirgin you got all uppity to defend your purchasing decision.

The fact remains, the utopia isn't worth the money when there *are* better beers available that *are* cheaper. But hey, don't let that american pride and a good forum argument get in the way of a "you know, you're right, I paid a fortune and came to TW masturbate furiously about it" admission.
Oh, and just for the hell of it, here's a little clip from Beer Advocate magazine found here

Its great how figures can be twisted to suit anyones argument.

Lets ignore the fact that the trappists produce at most one or two types of beer, while all the rest on that list produce 10+ different styles, statistically the trappists aren't in the running for that list. However, lets not forget, on the BA website the Westvleteren is the #1 beer.

But hey, paying $180 for what is essentially a fortified beer, you go girl.
Yes, the same ones who gave better reviews to the trappists I mentioned. The thing is, you guys seem to think I called utopia shit. I didn't, I merely implied it was a waste of money. Then like a mraahhhh nerdvirgin you got all uppity to defend your purchasing decision.

The fact remains, the utopia isn't worth the money when there *are* better beers available that *are* cheaper. But hey, don't let that american pride and a good forum argument get in the way of a "you know, you're right, I paid a fortune and came to TW masturbate furiously about it" admission.

It wasn't a troll, it was a genuine comment.

I can imagine paying $100 or more for an aged belgian trappist beer, but an American beer in a fancy bottle? Uhh, no, you're just a fucking idiot.

You implied that ONLY an aged belgian trappist beer is worth the money. A true beer connoisseur would jump at the opportunity to try out a previously unheard of style of beer, and certainly wouldn't be intentionally ignoring the microbrews of an entire country that the rest of the beer world is already engaging in one giant circle jerk over.
Its great how figures can be twisted to suit anyones argument.

Lets ignore the fact that the trappists produce at most one or two types of beer, while all the rest on that list produce 10+ different styles, statistically the trappists aren't in the running for that list. However, lets not forget, on the BA website the Westvleteren is the #1 beer.

But hey, paying $180 for what is essentially a fortified beer, you go girl.

There's a hell of a lot more than one kind of beer in the world man. If you drank nothing but belgian quads all your life, how would you know you don't prefer a lambic, bock, pilsner, porter, stout, IPA, brown ale, or anything in between?

I could tell you I don't like pilsners, porters, stouts, and lambics because I've tried at least half a dozen of each, all coming with raving reviews from other people. I do like brown ales, strong ales, wee heavies, belgian tripels and quads, IPAs, double IPAs, barleywines, and bocks. And I know that because I've had at least half a dozen of each of those styles as well.
Its wonderful, that since linking BA, there has been no mention of the many other beers that fill the ratings that come from the US (until krustyy linked that pic). I never said that all American beers are shit (I actually buy a Samuel Adams occasionally myself) I am just saying that the utopia is a waste of money, and you took entirely too much pleasure in sharing that fact on an internet forum in a vain attempt at applying "beer snob superiority". If the utopia was in line with a good quality port and liquor ($30 or so) then I would say, that *could* be good value for something unique ... but $180? No, thats just people with too much money wasting it on a social status update.

I know what, send me a bottle and i will try it to see if it is any good, if it is unique enough to deserve the money I will send you the cash, if not I keep the utopia and you get nothing :D
Its wonderful, that since linking BA, there has been no mention of the many other beers that fill the ratings that come from the US (until krustyy linked that pic). I never said that all American beers are shit (I actually buy a Samuel Adams occasionally myself) I am just saying that the utopia is a waste of money, and you took entirely too much pleasure in sharing that fact on an internet forum in a vain attempt at applying "beer snob superiority". If the utopia was in line with a good quality port and liquor ($30 or so) then I would say, that *could* be good value for something unique ... but $180? No, thats just people with too much money wasting it on a social status update.

I know what, send me a bottle and i will try it to see if it is any good, if it is unique enough to deserve the money I will send you the cash, if not I keep the utopia and you get nothing :D

You DO realize I'm better than you in every way, yes? My expensive bottle of beer just helps to seal the deal.
You DO realize I'm better than you in every way, yes? My expensive bottle of beer just helps to seal the deal.

Except you're not. But hey, bursting your bubble is always fun, and I prefer spending my money on single malts. I am going on holiday next year to visit some of my plots in Scotland at the Laphroaig distillery. There's a particularly old Laphroaig you can only buy from the distillery which begins at $800us.
Oh, and just for the hell of it, here's a little clip from Beer Advocate magazine found here:
Beer Advocate Magazine | Volume II Issue XI


Looks like your Belgian beers make a strong showing at #16, right below 15 American brewers. Oddly enough, 2 of the top 5 are the most excellent local southern California brewers, Alesmith and Stone.

And poor old #16 is Chimay, the one Belgian brewer you don't like.

Brewery Ommegang (my favorite place on planet earth btw) who specializes in belgian styles, beat out the belgian breweries.

Except you're not. But hey, bursting your bubble is always fun, and I prefer spending my money on single malts. I am going on holiday next year to visit some of my plots in Scotland at the Laphroaig distillery. There's a particularly old Laphroaig you can only buy from the distillery which begins at $800us.

My rep is higher than yours and my beer is more expensive than yours. I'm sure more can be added to the list, but that's a good start.
My rep is higher than yours and my beer is more expensive than yours. I'm sure more can be added to the list, but that's a good start.

Pfft, my Ferrari arrives next week, and my supermodels are shooting a lesbian porn right now.