did FTM (fuck the mainland) ever hit #1 on OGL



At least not in any relevant time.
KGB hit #1 on the tw ladder for trives: vagrance without ever having to play a match

because we were so awesome everyone went ahead and forfeited.
OGL Ladder in Oct 1999 according to the wayback machine. I don't remember for sure whether FTM ever had #1. It's possible they did inherit it from [IE], in which case I think they might have subsequently lost it to =S3=. Or =S3= might have inherited it directly from [IE]. Who the fuck knows. All I remember about FTM for sure was once playing a match on their home server in Hawaii with everyone on our team pinging 400+ :lol:

<jm5k> my neck beard is so big
<jm5k> i need to stand to type
<jm5k> afk playing wow and being a loser
<jm5k> om nom nom nom growing neckbeard and getting fat
OGL Ladder in Oct 1999 according to the wayback machine. I don't remember for sure whether FTM ever had #1. It's possible they did inherit it from [IE], in which case I think they might have subsequently lost it to =S3=. Or =S3= might have inherited it directly from [IE]. Who the fuck knows. All I remember about FTM for sure was once playing a match on their home server in Hawaii with everyone on our team pinging 400+ :lol:


yeah i know 4 a fact that they lost a lot after that so i know they didnt win later

i am pretty sure they inherited it from IE tho