Is this place safe for ladies?

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i love the mentality of the troll

so completely unstable and imbalanced that they actually think being insulted and verbally abused is "winning" and desirable attention. then they play the apathy/humor card so they can show us they dont care about internet popularity because its not real popularity, completely disregarding the fact that someone that fucked up is probably equally fucked up in real life, whether or not anyone is aware of it.

i'd like to feel bad for this person on an actual, personal level, but i know that's useless. they're going to feed off of the attention and even though this post is not even directed at them, they're going to take it as such and it will simply only fuel their inner (fucked up) fire.

i will now return to lurking in this thread to enjoy watching a mentally disturbed person desperately scratch for attention and watch a bunch of idiots fall for it.

im returning to this thread for a quick cameo simply to tell frozen rain that I WILL PAY ATTENTION TO YOU :heart:

now return to your mental instability, wench/dude
so missmanners is the girl that idiot zoph is in love with that he dances with that has a husband, but zoph doesn't want her to know that he wants to bone her, and he also doesn't want her husband to feel awkward about dancing with her? and her husband works late a lot because he's out fucking other chicks?

where is that fucking thread?

wait fuck

here it is
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I have a hard time believing anyone would launch a real troll from that site. It seems mostly closed down and the kind of place you would use to cover your tracks.
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