do you think it is acceptable for family/relatives to physically fight

Anyone who gives me reason to believe they are going to harm me physically will get handled. The only difference with family is that I may feel bad about it afterward.
my brother and i have gotten into "fights" where we hit each other in the body and stuff, but we're never trying to knock the other's block off.... it'd have to be a HUGE deal for me to hit my bro in the face
i was a pretty horrible son during my early teens and got my dad angry enough to deck me once. before that, my sister would often attack me and i'd have to protect myself. tons of fights (no hits to the face, usually) with my male cousins/family friends.
Tons of fist fights with brothers/cousins and many stitches. We resolved that stage once we all got out of the teens though. We actually are best of friends now.
see i think there are two trains of thoughts

a) family is family and you should never bring it to blows
b) you are closest with family so sometimes when you fight you need to fight and it does not mean much and is part of life since you won't break ties with them or anything
my brothers are 14 and 9 or 10, i forget...and they always hit each other and stuff, never really major stuff, just like a hit and then the other yells and he chases him and he laughs or runs away, stupid shit...they respect each other but have short tempers...if the 14 year old one would pick on the younger one i reserved the right to pin him down and smack the shit out of him, i made sure they backed each other up before they would beat each other up, i've taught them very well, they've become really tight, they understand the importance of backing each other up if they ever got in a tough spot. i'm 10.5 years older than the middle one so i always had to find a way to have fun with them too so we played a lot of video games and even had nerf wars throughout the house, we had a lot of fun but i made sure that if they fucked up they felt the older brother time the middle one tried to steal 50 dollars from me and i knew it was him but he kept 'swearing to God' that he didn't take it and stuff which is kind of a major deal for me...he 'SWORE TO GOD' which means a lot to my family for some reason....and i kept interrogating him and eventually he cracked and i made him hurt for a while after i got the money back but he would never do it again, that's for sure and if he ever disrespected our parents i would also smack him around, i enjoyed the enforcer role, but i wish they were a bit older so i could do it without having to restrain myself so much, can you imagine smacking a 14 year old when you're 24? i was afraid i'd like break his neck or some shit...
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You also don't actually try to physically injure your family when you fight. Unless you're crazy.

i'm just wondering because my brother always wants to fight me and i know i can kick his ass so i feel no need to posture back or anything

but i am wondering if i am on grounds if i beat him up really bad one time
judging by how much of a faggot you are online i would probably fight u irl and u r my friend

queer bait