do you think it is acceptable for family/relatives to physically fight

my older brother and i got into a fight once

he used to take my guitar, amp, and pedals and leave em at his friend's houses, take my shit apart and destroy it

i had asked for my things back for over 2 months and got just my guitar back which was fucked with

i got mad at him one day asking for my amp back and i wouldn't let it go and we ended up just getting into each others face, which then led into a fist fight

he got on top of my shoulders/arms and started landing some punches in my face

i finally got him off me and started getting a few hits in as well. we ended up in the hallway at our parent's bedroom door and this mattress fell on us that was against the wall

i guess he was winded and ended up puking right on my fucking entire arm

our faces were jacked up and bleeding, after about 2 hours he went up to the store, bought my a mountain dew and a snickers and we smoked a joint in the garage.

my dad came home and i thought we were fucked but dude had a cold and couldn't smell the bud

good shit

Creepy and awkward.