top 25 pc games of all time

ign recently released their top 25 all time list for the pc, which personally I think is a load of dogshit. I mean, bf1942 is #5.

so here's mine.. and it's not clogged up by titles from the 80 and early 90s that suck in comparison to modern studio efforts.. except for..

1.) Ski Free
2.) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (and cod 1/cod 2)
3.) Tribes
4.) Rainbow 6 (1998)
5.) Portal - L4D (tie)
6.) Black and White
7.) World of Warcraft
8.) Half life (series)
9.) Battlefield (the modern one, bf2 i think?)
10.) DCS: Black Shark (and the forthcoming DCS A10)
11.) IL2
12.) Doom
13.) RTCW
14.) Rfactor -racing genre tie- NFS: Porsche Unleashed
15.) MSFS
16.) Max Payne 2
17.) Grand Theft Auto Vice City
18.) Freelancer
19.) Defcon
20.) That gorilla bomb game from qbasic, I have no idea what its called
21.) Midtown Madness
22.) Operation FP (ARMA/A2 would be here if they didn't suck at QA.)
23.) Sim Tower
24.) Americas Army
25.) Descent
battlefield 1942 > BF2. Graphics aren't everything chucklehead.

P.S. COD4 over tribes? die.

also, your list lacks unreal tournament, quakeworld, freespace 2, tie fighter, Baldur's gate 2, and a bunch more that have slipped my mind.
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Triple's sense of gaming goodness seems to have gone pear-shaped.

Tribes #1 all time long time anything you want 15 dorra
this is a list of games ive played, having never played freespace..

i.e., don't get all butthurt if your pet game isnt on the list
While IGN's list contains about 15 games from my top 25 I would change the order of most of them plus add 10 of my favourites that aren't on the list.
I understand including games that evolved genres, but you cannot exclude games that defined genres for the sake of better grafx. Though you may not have played those games. I would have to say Tribes was/is my favorite game of all time. I have not played ANY game as much as I played Tribes and the only thing that has come close is WoW. I would also have to say that Dragon Age would have to find a spot in my list at this point. But as you pointed out, lists are going to be different from different individuals, because not everyone has played every game.
EDIT: SkiFree before Tribes? Really?

that's all I played when I had my first pc, a gateway 2000

you're damn right its #1.. easily more time logged than anything else..

ps: the reason Starcraft/korean shit isnt on the list is because I despise RTS as a genre.

pps: deus ex sucked. wannabe technohip crap.