Why is fox news the only one reporting WMD's found in Iraq?

kwolf said:
flame away, but imho, fox is best news channel bar none

They are the first ones I check in the morning, but not the only ones. I like to get all sides. I was eager to see how CNN or MSNBC was gonna spin this one but they don't even mention it...
Falhawk said:
why didn't they report it when these wmd's were found in 2003

Maybe it's a "we are at war thing" and we don't want to have all our cards on the table? Who knows? President bush seems to be called an idiot and a brilliantly, crafty liar in the same sentance most of the time. Maybe he just knows that when history looks back on all this Iraq and war on terror stuff it will show he made the right choices?
You guys are retards. Bush's dad wanted Saddam so bad he rigged his son's election so he could go back and get his assafter he saw Saddam making fun of him on TV. Fucking duh. Mission Complete.
Kowboy said:
Maybe it's a "we are at war thing" and we don't want to have all our cards on the table? Who knows? President bush seems to be called an idiot and a brilliantly, crafty liar in the same sentance most of the time. Maybe he just knows that when history looks back on all this Iraq and war on terror stuff it will show he made the right choices?

Depends... Was the history book written in the US?
Offering the official administration response to FOX News, a senior Defense Department official pointed out that the chemical weapons were not in useable conditions.

"This does not reflect a capacity that was built up after 1991," the official said, adding the munitions "are not the WMDs this country and the rest of the world believed Iraq had, and not the WMDs for which this country went to war."

read your own article stupid ass