MinuteMen Protesters

Don't know how you all feel about the MinuteMen, but I personally support them 100%. Glad to see they came to California. The protesters need to get the fuck out and let us protect our country from ILLEGAL immigration.
fuck the illegal motherfuckers looking for a fucking handout that the liberal fucking hippy faggotd are more then happy to give them.
Yeah, I guess so. But that's what I don't get, how can it be controversial. . . the mexicans crossing are doing it illegally. How can anyone in their right mind argue that we should let them in?
Canadians dont come here illegally and TAKE OUR JORBS!!!!!!!!

If they want to come here they can put forth the effort to do it legally. I'm all for the minutemen. I wouldn't want to be called a minuteman, though.
I support them 100%. Its clear that they aren't a band of rednecks and racists as organizations such as mecha like to portray them. They see a problem, a real security risk, and a threat to our country and they are trying to draw attention to it when both the republican and democratic parties have turned a blind eye to it all.
Personally, I think people from all over the world deserve an equal chance to come to the US. Doing so through illegal means shouldn't be tolerated though.
we have given everyone the chance to come here and they just fuck it up more. We don't need more outsiders comin in. We need to fix our country first.
I think the minutemen should start using lethal force. Kill them the second they step onto our land. That would put a stop to illegal immigration.
Can someone please tell me how people argue agenst them? I just dont get how anyone can debate this if they arnt being shady about it.