[Zyrtec] Fuck the gay ass drug companies.

Some things are OK others aren't. Once in a while people will have a different reaction with a generic than they do with an original and they don't know why. They may work as well but you need to be sure. I take generic for certain things, others I don't
I just stopped taking Zyrtec. I noticed that it started making it very hard to concentrate. It really screwed with my head. I could be talking to someone then at the same time kinda detach from myself and be listening to myself talking...it was weird. Not to mention it made me feel light headed and dizzy anytime I stood up and pretty tired throughout the day.

My parents noticed that it was making me act differently as well, and that was the last straw. Zyrtec worked great on my allergies (which are horrible in the spring), but the side effects are almost worse than my actual symptoms. I switched back to Clariton (which really doesn't work that well), Flonase, and special eye drops. Its a lot more to have to deal with and it still doesn't work as well as Zyrtec but at least I don't feel like crap the entire day.
Generics are not the exact same as the real thing BTW. Go ask any scientist who works on these drugs and he will tell you the differences. The fillers are different and the way these fillers interact with the drug can differ.

All drugs have the potential for side effects, regardless of if they are brands or generics. The active ingredients in a generic must be the same as the brand-name drug; inactive ingredients such as coloring agents, flavors, and preservatives may differ. There may be differing side effects based on these differences. The FDA regularly reviews reaction reports and has found no differences overall between generic and brand-name drugs.

Unless you have a really severe reaction to a particular generic, it's not anything worth worrying about. You're just as likely to have a reaction to some name brand medication. That's the inherent risk with putting some chemical into your body. Benefits to risk always has to be accounted for.
I hear that Claritin and Zyrtec are two different allergy drug types.. I am taking claritin but its not working.. so im gonna check out zyrtec.

gotta love insurance.
as a general rule i don't take medication. i can't stand the idea of becoming dependent on something to do something my body should do anyways. whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger etc etc..
as a general rule i don't take medication. i can't stand the idea of becoming dependent on something to do something my body should do anyways. whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger etc etc..

Whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger doesn't really apply to allergies since they kill you slowly.
I think we should invent an organization that will pay for your medical expenses so long as you pay a monthly fee. Yes... yes... this will be MOST popular.
I also take this overpriced drug and have noticed something interesting. Two Claritins seem to have the exact same effect. Might want to try the less expensive way and buy some Claritins.