Your ignore list - who's on it?


Veteran X
I cleaned mine out a while maybe a month ago and have 4 on it again:

FngrBANG - Never read anything he posts that was worth the time
Orbital123 - Same as Fngr
gumb0 juan - Spamming BRO pics
Hudson - Spamming tranny dick pics

I know I'm on at least 2 ignore lists. Blackie and somebody who starts with an might be FLOOR. I hurt their feelings :(
-zye- for spamming
t-refried-455 for something i can't remember.

both are on "pussy ignore" instead of real ignore. i tried reading a refried post a couple weeks ago and decided he was better off ignored
next time i see zye post, i'll read it and decide whether or not to un-ignore

i ignored hudson for the same thing, then took him off when he stopped.
he's been on it for like a year. i don't remember what it was originally for, but i think he's a monkey_b or zopharoth- quality poster.

could be wrong, but the one post i read by him in recent memory was just painful :shrug:
I'd like to know if people still have Kura ignored. Maybe Rayn can post who's on the most ignore lists...I think Orbital has been #1 for a long time.
NGFM is the only person I've ever ignored.

It's fucking great, except for the occasional sighting when someone quotes him
NGFM is the best poster here. If I could search I'd search for him everyday to see what he posts.

You should be banned scotsman.
FngrBANG - obvious reasons
qcksilver316 - one too many goddamm giants solutions, or was it rivers

I have removed people who have been banned