You think Gen-Xers are fuckin' dumb...


Veteran XV
You think Gen-Xers are fuckin' dumb... (edit: more like gen-y)

I'm sitting downstairs on the PC when I hear the next door neighbors kids (11-12 year olds) making all kinds of fucking racket. After about 5 minutes I go outside, pop around the corner and say "What the hell is all this noise?"

"We're throwing rocks at this board."

"What?! Could you do it someplace else? It's driving me nuts!"

So they sheepishly slink away saying "sorry".

Then I'm thinking to myself, where did they get the rocks? The only place around here that has rocks are the river rocks in my... landscaping...

I go back outside to the old scene of the crime and see shitloads of my riverrocks all over the fucking lawn. Right about then, the fucking neighbor kid comes over to my side of the house again.

"What are you doing back?"

(sheepishly) "getting more rocks"

"Out of my FUCKING LANDSCAPING!??!?!?!"

Kid says sorry and runs off.

I go over and talk to their dad. I'm pretty sure he slapped the shit outta the kid.

Jesus Jack FUCKING CHRIST kids are fucking dumb.
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But GOD FORBID we smack some sense into these stupid lil fuckers. That might hurt them in the long run emotionally, as in they might grow up with a clue. :hrm:
yeah had a similar thing happen to me

Some neighborhood kids picked some white marble rocks out of a small area in my front yard and were washing off the "diamonds" in the small fountain that is in the center of the rocks.

It was fucking annoying, but they stopped after I explained things a bit.

They were pretty damned young to be running around alone, but I haven't seen them back. I think the parents put the reigns on them after they came home all wet covered in white powder.
We have our boss' 18 year old son working with us over the summer. he isn't THAT dumb but damn it is irritating to watch his mom (our company president) clean his crumbs off the lunch table, or see him do things like put his trash on the counter because the trash is full, then take out the trash when we bitch at him, then ask "where are the trash bags" when he is standing right over them.


At least his sister is a genius...cute too, big ole titties too, and she won't be 15 forever...
Tribalbob said:
thats what you get for having a goddamn landscaped rock garden in your front lawn :closet:
Rock garden? What?

You're not a homeowner are you?

Huh huh. Homowner.
I dont really think its stupidity all the time. I say 20% of the time its just that the person is used to only using half of thier brain. Its not thier fault, and they can be taught otherwise.. but if not, they remain stupid.
Yes, boredom does strange things to a young mind. But still, at 12 years old, I didn't even go into other people's yards unless I was invited.

Of course, I was beaten with a belt regularly. Boo hoo. Wah.
this lady at my moms office is a total milf, and her daughter is the same age as me and is a total fox.

the moms a blonde, later 30s/early 40s. the daughter is a tight little sporty brunette, 17.

I want to hook up with her daughter, half because her daughter is cute, and half because of the sheer freakiness of the idea.
12 year olds aren't gen Xers

Gen Xers, today, are like 22-40

edit: more like 24-44

gen Xers are born in the 60s and 70s

people born in the 80s are the "echo" generation, who are kids of baby boomers

12 year olds born in the early 90s are echo kids
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Tribalbob said:
this lady at my moms office is a total milf, and her daughter is the same age as me and is a total fox.

the moms a blonde, later 30s/early 40s. the daughter is a tight little sporty brunette, 17.

I want to hook up with her daughter, half because her daughter is cute, and half because of the sheer freakiness of the idea.

Tell her you've never been kissed like that before... :angel:
So wtf is the name of the 20 and under generation? I have some creative ideas but i'm being nice atm.