Now thats what I call bad parenting at its finest. I would of atleast checked it out before putting it in the hands of my children. Especially if it was used! That is funny though.
Now thats what I call bad parenting at its finest. I would of atleast checked it out before putting it in the hands of my children. Especially if it was used! That is funny though.

You didn't watch the video I see. Well, it wasn't used but actually new from Walmart.
oh I'm sure the poor child was traumatized and will never be the same

that family deserves to sue for millions of dollars
a) A fat black chick with blonde AND red hair?
b) Those fingernails ... wow ... nothing says "classy" like that.
c) How did she know it was 1 hour and 44 minutes long?
d) Why does "Dad" look like he wants to watch it again and take some notes?
e) That anchor chick is just fugly as hell ...

This is the new "I found a finger in my Wendy's chili" scam for the technology age.

I found a 3 way tranny gang bang video on my Zune... sue sue sue!!!