You raff yuo roose v.3871

I'll wager the students are expected to read the relevant works prior to lecture, so it shouldn't be out of the blue. I also don't think it's unreasonable to expect college students - especially at a place like Cambridge - to have alreadyu developed some fortitude and emotional resilience.

College is not a safe space. In fact, it's (supposed to be) the exact opposite. College is supposed to be a place of open discussion and dialogue, where people are repeatedly and aggressively challenged intellectually by both their instructors and their peers. Sometimes that's uncomfortable, and that's a good thing. It's supposed to be.
You're overreacting here. This is not a safe space issue. The discussion still takes place, it just comes with a content warning.
You're overreacting here. This is not a safe space issue. The discussion still takes place, it just comes with a content warning.

and it shouldn't, how can you possibly start to warn against what may 'trigger' or offend someone? Everyone is different, you cant cater to them all. You go somewhere, if you don't like it you leave or learn to cope, easy, it's what adults do.

Maybe all university courses should be rated like movies? No safespace snowflakes in any course rated above PG. G if you are easily triggered or have experienced triggering scenarios in the past.
and it shouldn't, how can you possibly start to warn against what may 'trigger' or offend someone? Everyone is different, you cant cater to them all. You go somewhere, if you don't like it you leave or learn to cope, easy, it's what adults do.

Maybe all university courses should be rated like movies? No safespace snowflakes in any course rated above PG. G if you are easily triggered or have experienced triggering scenarios in the past.

anything that makes children grow up is triggering

anything that exposes them to adult conversation or themes is triggering

and so triggering i feel like i should have just gave a trigger warning to anyone who might have known or met some one or heard about someone who has experienced gun violence from actual triggers
and it shouldn't, how can you possibly start to warn against what may 'trigger' or offend someone? Everyone is different, you cant cater to them all. You go somewhere, if you don't like it you leave or learn to cope, easy, it's what adults do.

Maybe all university courses should be rated like movies? No safespace snowflakes in any course rated above PG. G if you are easily triggered or have experienced triggering scenarios in the past.

If you get raped you should immediately be shoved into your mothers womb because you are irreparably harmed and need to restart what the fuck do you want me to say?

Fuck off. People get raped all the time and have to go on living, why should the rest of humanity have to walk on egg shells because one person got fucked up?

Fuck you.
what if you have sex with someone

then later regret that decision

that is a lot like rape

in fact that is rape now

and if alcohol was involved, even in purely consensual sex, as it is with all college life, it is legally rape in Cali now
If you get raped you should immediately be shoved into your mothers womb because you are irreparably harmed and need to restart what the fuck do you want me to say?

Fuck off. People get raped all the time and have to go on living, why should the rest of humanity have to walk on egg shells because one person got fucked up?

Fuck you.
So putting a warning on a piece of paper is walking on eggshells.
