You know you're a dumb bitch when...


Veteran X
you take offense to the terms white-list and black-list, with regards to spam filtering... and you're WHITE

i mean c'mon, really?

stupid fucking liberals. seriously.... fucking DIE
I take offense to your sig but I'll turn them back off once I can start working again.

So... uhhhh... niggerlist
Nigeria will now be referred to as 'that shit hole with all the assholes' because it's more pc.
What you hear: I'm going to go sort the good mail from the bad mail.
What they hear: I'm going to go sort the crackers from the niggers.
Political correctness needs to be thrown out the window.

Not all Muslims are terrorists BUT most terrorists are Muslims.
After reading the title of this thread, I could have put money on the fact that you were the author...

Dumb bitches will feign disgust at just about everything about you. You halitosis, your hair lip, your flabby gut and schimpy limp dick. Get over it.