you guys like pussy? *NWS*

Slasherdawg said:
That video didn't phase me. And I watched it twice. There isn't a video in existence that can phase me!!!!

BTW I'd take that w/ a side of fries.

So a video of your mom being ass raped and then having the same thing happen to her as you saw in the video wouldn't phase you? Wow, you need some serious help or an extended stay at an appropriate facility. You're probably the reason parents don't let their children play unsupervised in their own neighborhoods.
Polarbear said:
So a video of your mom being ass raped and then having the same thing happen to her as you saw in the video wouldn't phase you? Wow, you need some serious help or an extended stay at an appropriate facility. You're probably the reason parents don't let their children play unsupervised in their own neighborhoods.

Of course it wouldn't phase me, hell I'd even join in the raping you dumbass. Calm the fuck down member.
The people who think people should be able to post what they want when they want are telling the people calling for bans to that irony? If you dont like the fact they want you banned...shouldnt you whiny pussy faggot take your own advice and STFU? I dont know what is worse, the sick scum who think this shit is funny, the whiney faggots who whine about it or the whiney faggots who whine about the whiney faggots....

aScotiA said:
there seriously is something wrong with you if you enjoy watching animals get beaten, killed and decapitated. it is very sick
Ironically your sig has chickens killing eachother. :cat:

And, that video is fucking terrible.
Why are people calling for a BAN over this? They don't call BAN when someone post the chechclear vid :shrug:

I just don't understand some of you.
Scud said:
Why are people calling for a BAN over this? They don't call BAN when someone post the chechclear vid :shrug:

I just don't understand some of you.

Nothing decieving when you go to d/l the chechclear vid.
React0r said:
Nothing decieving when you go to d/l the chechclear vid.

you should expect anything when you click NWS. thats click at your own risk and at your own discretion. its not like he said "hey this is tits" and posted old gay man porn. he said it was pussy, and it was. it was your choice to view it. if you don't like it then maybe you'll wait for reactions and/or confirmations of what it is before clicking the link.
cheezit said:
you should expect anything when you click NWS. thats click at your own risk and at your own discretion. its not like he said "hey this is tits" and posted old gay man porn. he said it was pussy, and it was. it was your choice to view it. if you don't like it then maybe you'll wait for reactions and/or confirmations of what it is before clicking the link.

stfu faggot. he said NWS pussy. don't play stupid.
React0r said:
stfu faggot. he said NWS pussy. don't play stupid.

:rolleyes: he said Do You Like Pussy and said NWS to the max. that + his reputation should tell you that its probably not what you think it is. you should wait for reactions/explanations before clicking links anyway. stop trying to blame anybody else for you ahving to see a link that you clicked on.
I didn't see all of the video (computer at work locked up), from what I saw it was just a cat being cut up for a meal I would guess. I am not sure if it is really that different from what happens to cows, pigs, chickens....
wow fuck ths shit, i posted a link that was named "janetsboob.jpg" when everyone was trying to get the janet jackson boob thing. i put a NWS On it too, and the pic i linked to had the old gaymansex link on it. it was even hosted by maddox.xmission

and i got a fucking 10 day ban or whatever, and this guy doesnt get banned? fucking no way thats so messed up