xtremeski maps


Veteran XX
I must be losing my mind, I just downloaded xtremeski1 from a link on this forum, and now I can't find it. I like the first one, but I remember there being an xtremeski2 and maybe an xtremeski3? These maps are tooons of fun and are a nice change from the monotony of everyday shitty pubs. Can anyone provide a link to these maps? (2 & 3)
thx but shortly after I posted I searched on google, if you can't get them from the RDB for some reason I'd suggest searching there! thanks anyway for linkage

and pray for xski3 to be done in our lifetimes! :)
I emailed the guy who made the xtremeski website (since i couldnt find a working email for elmo) and i got this:

blame TF_Leb for xtremeski 3 not being released because he was too critcal of elmo's work

who is TF_Leb and how can i kill him
<filo> [13:20:02] <Leb> xski3 was scrapped because he reached the poly limit with about 1/5th of the course compelted
[7/7-2:50p] <filo> [13:20:08] <BJork> lol
[7/7-2:50p] <filo> [13:20:10] <Leb> or item limit or whatever i mean