[XBOX] Softmod + XBox Live

Just buy a 2nd xbox

with all the money you save on 3 games you will download, you can get a brand spankin new one to use with live.
Get rid of software mod, hardware mod it, and use the switch to switch between haxed bios to normal bios.
I was thinking of this but would I be able to play to dl'ed games on Xbox Live? Common sense leads to me think no, I wouldn't be able to.

So this would be useless for me.

Oh well, I barely used Xbox Live anyways.
No, if XBL detects a chip, your xbox is banned (serial #) from XBL 4 lyfe.

--edit-- I mean, any hack whatsoever, not just chips
Benign said:
I was thinking of this but would I be able to play to dl'ed games on Xbox Live? Common sense leads to me think no, I wouldn't be able to.

So this would be useless for me.

Oh well, I barely used Xbox Live anyways.

Can't play on live. They ban your HD (or something like that. You can unban it and keep your account, you just have to get a new HD somehow). Most recent chips disallow any contact with live while it's on so you'd be hard pressed to get yourself banned.

For me it's worth it. About 90% of all Xbox games I play don't involve Live.