[Xbox 360] Mercenaries 2, anyone else playing?


Veteran X
Played the first one on original xbox and thought it was pretty lame.. but I am really enjoying this one. It's not very realistic, and there are a lot of areas of the game that could have been done better, but overall it's pretty damn fun.

Anyone else playing? Down for some co-op?
oops. I thought it was out already, guess it doesn't come out officially until next week.

Guess I probably shouldn't be playing online yet.
seems like you would get hit with the old ban hammer pretty quick, being that it's not hit its street date for release yet.

do you have to have a gold account or can silver do co-op gamming?
Been online with both my boxes since last night, and no problems yet.

If I do get banned, oh well. I'll eBay it and buy a new one.
Played a little tonight, but not hugely motivated to go on. Sandbox concept was awesome when it was new, but its hardly novel anymore and its gonna take more than gimmicks (i.e. more destructable buildings, bigger worlds) to get my attention these days. To tell the truth, I'm over the sandbox shit and missing games that are just fun to play.
It's fun blowing shit up, but yeah... it gets old pretty quick. Seems like it would be a lot of fun playing co-op as well.

Glad I didn't buy it though.