WTS Decent WoW-BC Acct


Veteran XX
Done with wow, lookin for 'bout 500 obo for all of my char's. Paid till Sept 30th

70 Human Lock (Terenas PVE) 1500g, able to make Girdle of Ruination, Unyielding girdle and Battlecast hood Shadoweave Tailor.
Currently Afflic spec, was farming mats out for my shaman's Runic hammer but gear is Dest.
The Armory

70 BE Paly (Sargeras PVP) Epic Flying mount, Holy spec
The Armory

29 UD Twink Rogue (Sargeras PVP)
Hits insanely hard, probably one of the best gear'd twinks aside from missing the quest gloves from the Shimmering flats.
The Armory

69 Dranai Shaman (Terenas PVE)
Rested to 70, has 3/4's of Blades edge, Netherstorm and SMV to quest in for gold, 1400g. Transfer up on November 4, 2007

65 Orc Warrior (Sargeras PVP)
Very good Fury and tanking gear for the level, almost all epic (Pre BC Pvp gear and Tier 1 Might 6/8 if i remember)
The Armory

62 UD Lock (Sargeras PVP)
3/5 Tier 2.5, 8/8 Tier 2, 8/8 Tier 1 (ya i couldn't bring myself to sell the stuff)
almost every enchant pre-bc
The Armory
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