[WTF] I Made a Girl Cry


Veteran XV
Two months or so ago I started talking to an 18 year old girl that lives about 50 miles from me. At this point I didn't really have any intentions and would just randomly talk to her every now and then.

After about a month we started talking for at least an hour every other day over the phone just shooting the shit and getting to know each other. There was talk about her coming to hang out when she would visit some local friends in my area. This is all great and all up until the new development last week.

I was at work on Monday night and it was just a normal day. I got a call from said girl and she wanted to know what I was doing. I let her know I was working and would get off around 10pm. She was wondering if she could come hang out for the night and have a place to crash. The catch was I had to go get her about 20 miles outside of town. This wasn't a problem for me as it is a quick drive. At this point, I'm not 100% sure what my intentions are, but they aren't 100% clean. Anyways, I get off work an hour early to go get her and we get back to my apartment around 10:30 or so.

After getting back to the apartment we decide to watch a movie and hang out in the living room. We get about 40 mins into the movie and we start messing around. After the movie we were fairly tired and decided to go to my bedroom to throw another movie in and lay down. The movie wasn't watched and we fool around some more. At this point my intentions are to get up in them guts. After a little while of fooling around the night took a huge fucking turn. I got up to go get some water and I get back to the room to find her fucking CRYING.

I'm not a dickhead so I decided I would try to figure out why she was upset and what the fuck was going on. We talked for a bit and came to the conclusion that I made her miss her fucking ex-boyfriend. I get up and just go fuck around on the computer as she made a phone call to her best friend in the living room. After about 10 minutes I decide I'm going to go to bed. About 10 minutes after THAT she comes back into the room smiling and jumps back into bed and on top of me. My intentions are to still get up in them guts. We begin fooling around again and about 5 minutes later she starts fucking crying, again. I'm done and want nothing to do with her. I offer to take her somewhere if she wants. In the end, we decide to wait until morning and I took her ass back home.

My dick was so confused. Women are the devil! Why the fuck did this happen?


A lady friend comes over.
We mess around (everything except penetration).
She cries.
My penis dies.

Don't you know that when a woman cries when she is intimate its because she is an alien?

Let me explain.

Aliens have been living with us a long time now. You have a good chance of interacting with one each day actually. These aliens do a great job of looking and acting like human beings. They certainly look and feel the part (even knowing how to mimic the awesomeness that is the 18 yr old female form) and have the emotional side down pretty well. Well, better than pretty well. They have it down about to 95% of what humans do/expect.

When it comes to intimacy the aliens know there is a lot of emotion regarding the situation (for the human female anyway) but can't figure out how to make that emotion act human so they just mimic what they see happening in their ships full of humans they rounded up at insane asylums.

On the ships the men and women are forced to fuck. The men are all down with this but the women feel as if they are being violated and end up crying. It is this behavior you saw with your barely legal female companion (good job on that by the way).

So, in short, don't fret over this at all (not as if you pry would anyway since you are a man and men don't give a shit about the crying ramblings of a woman), but do know that you just about fucked an alien and although that would have been cool it might have been the end of the human species because the alien love-child of yours would have been the "choosen one" much like that faggot Neo in the Matrix (God I fucking have Keanu Reeves (the only role he was good in what 'Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure')). (Please note that if you had fucked her as an 18 yr old chick no one would have blamed you.)

If you encounter another chick/alien that cries as you try to get-sum-of-that just remember you are with an alien and it is normal, or you are raping a girl and that, the crying that is, is normal too.
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Jesus it makes me glad to read shit like this. woman are so fucking crazy.

the 2nd time she started crying i would of said "are you going to fuck me or cry all night?" well maybe not exactly that but

"not being a dick" to women i assume is your problem. who cares if you were an asshole to her. nice guys finish last ofr a reason. I am not sure how old you are but i took me ages to figure this out and i am much happier.

Jesus it makes me glad to read shit like this. woman are so fucking crazy.

the 2nd time she started crying i would of said "are you going to fuck me or cry all night?" well maybe not exactly that but

"not being a dick" to women i assume is your problem. who cares if you were an asshole to her. nice guys finish last ofr a reason. I am not sure how old you are but i took me ages to figure this out and i am much happier.

I was questioning it as well. I'm 22. I was SO close to asking that exact question. I was fairly pissed.

Did the thought ever occur to you that instead of being some limpwristed marshmellow guy, you should've just laid it on her whether she was freaking out or not?

Women are goofy. They need to be told what to do. I don't know exactly what the genetic, emotional, or psychological issues at play are, but in a situation like that - if she's in your room and she's good to go, and then goes into some freakout mode, it's probably just her trying to come to terms with her own self-image. Should I do this? Do I want to do this? Will people think Im a slut? Blah blah blah blah....

Guys should NEVER let those decisions lie with them. You force the issue. It's our fuckin job to do that.

It's like this -

If it's 2am and she's naked in your room, the point of no return was passed about a mile back. She's committed whether she likes it or not. She had the chance to refuse, she had the chance to avoid the situation - she didn't. So take the damn decision making out of her indecisive hands and force the fucking issue. That way she can always say "He made me do it" or "it all happened so fast" or whatever excuse she wants to use the next day, and that's cool, whatever. Blame me, okay, what do I care?

I'm not saying rape the girl - if by some chance she does finally make a decision and actually digs in her heels and says a clear and affirmative NO!, then fine - kick her the fuck out of your house. Any chick who puts herself in that position just to change her mind at the moment of truth is a fuckin asshole, so call her a cab and send her on her way.
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i defiantly want to see more pics. i am sure i am not the only one.

by the way Taxi was a bit more extreme then i met. All i was saying is come off like you dont give a shit about her becasue you shouldn't.

I have acted this way and went and played video games then.. A few minuets to an hour later they come to me and shit is smooth.

Woman are fucked in the head, i am 26 and i wish i could leave a note to my 18 year old stuff with the things i've learned over the years. it would of saved me so much stress and headache.