[WS]Give the gift of goatse this xmas


Veteran XX
looking for some possible gift ideas for my gf and saw this and goatse was the first thing that came to mind


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wtf, do the people that make these things KNOW about goatse and do it on purpose to get a laugh? or is it just us with our polluted thinking??
iNVAR said:
wtf, do the people that make these things KNOW about goatse and do it on purpose to get a laugh? or is it just us with our polluted thinking??

i think it's about half inspired and half coincidence at this point for goatse sightings.

but that one i'm gonna say it's a 75% chance the person knows, if the ring was designed within the last 2 years.
Tribalbob said:
but that one i'm gonna say it's a 75% chance the person knows, if the ring was designed within the last 2 years.

you gotta be kidding me........ those rings are old as shit. it somes irish thing and has nothing to do with goatse whatsoever.