never suspect some people's reactions...


Veteran X
I've known this person for quite a few years.. but never suspected that she felt this way about politics. Goes to show you that some of your friends may be more narrow minded then you thought.

I don't know why but I thought America was smarter than we apparently are. Everyone bought this "change" speech. Flocked to it because honestly we all want it. No offence but- DUH. Every election we analyze what went wrong, what didn't work, what can be changed. Every election we hope that whomever takes office will indeed change the bad and bring us to better times. Change is the whole point of bringing in a new President! The real question was…what KIND of change each candidate would of brought to the table and at what cost?

This is what our new President brings to the table:


Obama talks a lot of change but has NO experience to BACK UP his plans. We elected a man who is in the toddler stages of experience and as we all know toddlers fall down a lot before they have the EXPERIENCE to walk a straight steady line.

McCain served in the armed forces.

Obama has not.

McCain has had 22 YEARS in the US Senate.

Obama has around 200 days, yes DAYS, in the US Senate.

"I have a lifetime of experience that I will bring to the White House. I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience that he will bring to the White House. And Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002." -- Hillary Clinton

So true…and we just entrusted this man with our Nation. Scary.



(no changes)

Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250

OBAMA (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)

Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750
Under Obama, your taxes could almost double!


OBAMA is for-39.6% - How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that 'Higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market, yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit



- 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)


Restore the inheritance tax

Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these taxes.


New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet. New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already) New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity) New taxes on retirement accounts, and last but not least....New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!

Obama quoted Martin Luther King tonight… Ironic since he was a man who's dream was that people would be judged by the content their character not by the color of their skin…and yet here is Obama making a comment that would of caused RIOTS of it had been a white man saying it about 'black people'.

"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned: (White) People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied, they were relieved -- such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time." -- Barack Obama

"The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person..." -- Barack Obama

Typical white person… wow… I am a white person with mixed children so tell me Mr. Obama what IS a 'typical' white person? Now if McCain had said 'typical black person' there would have been protests and outrage! But its ok for Obama to make statements like that, statements that hold the tone of what this country has fought so hard to overcome. Where people are supposed to be judged by the content of their character and color should be an afterthought. Congrats Mr. Obama you just regressed us back to stereotyping and making color an issue.


"(America is) just downright mean." -- Michelle Obama

"For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. And I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction." -- Michelle Obama

How sad. I mean really. Where was her pride for this country when we came to the aid of others? Where was her pride when OUR people, citizens, fireman, police, military risked life and limb to assist our own on 9/11? She is only proud and supportive now that she has something to gain being the First Lady? Pathetic.


"You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a (flag) pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we're talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for, I think, true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest..." -- Barack Obama

Obama took of his American flag pin and did NOT put his hand over his heart in American tradition during our anthem. And this man is now our President?! The blatant disrespect for our Nations symbols and traditions is sickening!

Obama does not support gun ownership rights. This is America we have the RIGHT to bare arms!

Obama voted to give social security benefits to illegal immigrants. (UGH)

Obama voted AGAINST making English the official language. (Outrageous) If you want to come to our country and live in our country learn the language or go home.

Obama wrote a book. In that book he said clearly- If war broke out he would side with the Muslims. He has been influenced by anti American radicals including being taught Wahabism as a child. It is the teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world.

Obama claimed we have 57 states. "Tired" or not that is ridiculous! The man running for President should know better! What America doesn't know is '57 states' is an Islamic thing…look it up for yourself.

Obama mocked and made fun of the Bible. 80% of American's have a religious faith based on God and the Bible. It of course varies from Catholic to Baptist and everything in-between but the majority still embraces their faith. Obama mocked and took out of context verses from the Bible quoting old testament laws (which if he had bothered to actually READ the whole Bible he would of known that when Christ died for our sins, we were freed from the old law) His open mocking of the Bible, a book we still swear on in a court of law, a book that our Nation holds in respect, is absolutely sickening.

"(Obama) voted against a bill that would add penalties for crimes committed as a part of gang activity and against a bill that would make it a criminal offense for accused gang members, free on bond or probation, to associate with other gang members. In 1999, he was the only state senator to oppose a bill that prohibited early prison release for criminal sexual offenders." -- Amanda Carpenter

Obama must have a lot of "hope" here. Lets let the sexual offenders out early and HOPE they don't do it again to your mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, come on people, lets HOPE they CHANGE.

"(Obama's) big themes are Change Hope and Unity...I suspect that after he's elected, we'll hear much less about Change and Unity and a lot more about Hope. As in, "I Hope this doesn't end in a huge disaster. I Hope he doesn't wreck the economy. I Hope he's not too overwhelmed by the complexity and horror of the world. I Hope I survive this administration." -- A reader at The Corner

"Obama is all style. No substance. He's all 'I want to send children to the moon,' and then when you ask how he says 'Hope.'" -- Dawn Summers

Although Senator Obama has presented himself as the candidate of new things using the mantra of "change" endlessly the cold fact is that virtually everything he says about domestic policy is straight out of the 1960s and virtually everything he says about foreign policy is straight out of the 1930s.

Internationally, the approach that Senator Obama proposes including the media magic of meetings between heads of state was tried during the 1930s. That approach, in the name of peace, is what led to the most catastrophic war in human history

There is no reason why someone as arrogant, foolishly clever and ultimately dangerous as Barack Obama should become president -- especially not at a time when the threat of international terrorists with nuclear weapons looms over 300 million Americans.

-Thomas Sowell

What was America thinking? God help us all now.
Jesus, some people are retarded. The fact is, Obama's not going to do all he wants to do, there's no chance of that; but after 8 years, it's probably time for a change.

typical republican reaction:

Nobody can even comprehend the situation. JESUS SPOKE oh my brothers... he knew ABOUT THIS black menace that shall beam down DARKNESS. READ the bible before you vote, that should be a rule. HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN! I run a small church and I will have us all pray and whip ourselves to feel the pain of the world but we cannot take it all my friends, we cannot take it all AWAY FROM THE UNINSPIRED. We will speak in tongues that dispell the anti-christian names like BARAK HUSSEIN OBAMA. I will shake out the devil spirits and i will vomit profusely for you all. I will vomit like the demon is inside my stomach and i will expulse it from our tiny minds that we cannot even imagine how Jesus can deal with this. I will gouge at my eyes and the dark spirits will leave my vision and the homosexuals and the vile demons that which are plaguing these days will disappear. We shall rip out our teeth one by one so that I MAY NOT EAT the spew from the demons and the darkness disasters which are lies and toxic poisons. Everyone pray, pray for Christianity may continue and bring the faith of the lord to those which are not seeing it. Pray that our love in life does not explode with incredible agony and fortress fires brought on from the most of awesome revelations. Fear the pain of eternal hellfire, it is coming faster and harder than ever thought possible. Love thy lord Jesus at all costs.
its funny how stupid mccain supporters are..

they are either rich and like mccains plan for their money

or they are racist

or they are stupid religious

or just plain stupid.
just so you know, most of that is flat out wrong.


OBAMA is for-39.6% - How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that 'Higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market, yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit

that's completely false for instance. the tax backets shown are also completely made up.

sorry she is afraid of black people still.
most of it is out of context or wrong rayn, but I don't have the energy to fix it... if only we had tsetse (to fix the incorrect and correct parts)
I've known this person for quite a few years.. but never suspected that she felt this way about politics. Goes to show you that some of your friends may be more narrow minded then you thought.

What was America thinking? God help us all now.


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