WoW on PC Gamer dvd w/ 14 day free trial


Veteran XV
I got this months PC Gamer and noticed a full copy of WoW on it with a 14 free day trial. Kind of nice because I was considering if I should buy the game.

So if anyone is interested in playing WoW who has never played, its a good idea to pick up the september 2005 issue of PC Gamer for $7.99 than waste the money buying the game.

*not sure if the game will delete itself after the trial. never bothered reading the readme that came with the game.
That's like giving out free crack samples at grocery stores.. should be illegal.

And no it won't delete itself - the key you use to create an account is flagged as a trial key. After 14 days you either have to purchase the game and convert it to a full retail version or you can't login.
Side note - like 6 months ago Blizzard wasn't shipping any copies to stores because their servers couldn't keep up with the playerbase. Did they fix the servers, have that many people left, or is Blizz just going sick with greed? said:
We've added another new US realm: Ursin (PVP). This is in addition to the two realms we launched on 7/21: Moonrunner (PvE) and Kelecgos (PvP)! The addition of these realms increases the total number of US realms to 100.
Funny, I just canceled my account about 5 minutes ago. If i had known it was so easy I would of canceled months ago
CapnPyro said:
Funny, I just canceled my account about 5 minutes ago. If i had known it was so easy I would of canceled months ago

same, blizzard has enough of my money ofr their fucking bugged POS game.
listen. im in a high end raiding guild

if you havent already started a char thats almost to 60. just dont start

its not worth the money. this game really does suck
Yup, same boat as bodom. Sadly I wasted my time leveling two chars to 60 to realize just how fucking incomplete this game is. High-end content is a fucking joke. IE. Molten Core took 4+ hours to get to the last boss, in which the fight didn't last more than 4 minutes to finish. And with Blizzards brand spanken new bugged BWL instance that guilds were being locked out of, or even getting up to the last boss on the first day, I can truly see why all those lead designers left. Fuck VUG and their greedy French Asses, and fuck blizzard for making a game with horrid pvp, and mindless pve. *End rant*
gw is boring shit too..

BTW you still have to buy the game guys. i guarantee this is just like the guest pass - free play for 14 days then account is deactivated and can only be reactivated with a CD-KEY from a brand new game box + new subscription.

wow is a cash cow cunt hog.

but it is kind of fun anyway.
3.5m active subscribers

blizzard makes $48,000,000+ a month off world of warcraft

i will not ever, ever, ever play WoW so help me god
I find GW fun, and with only 8 skills it allows less counters, and so hopefully more originality

i realise that may be b'll'c's