WotLK - so i feel like nothing new or interesting is being released


Repentance is 10sec in PvP. In PvE it's like Sap. Are you really complaining about PvE CC?

And technically it's an incap, not a stun.

Have a nice day.

They should buff the duration of Seduce from succubus in PVE and give Warriors some kind of CC. If you're DPS and you can't CC then it gets a lot harder to find groups.
mages have nothing to offer a raid that nobody else can't do now. Used to be CC king, now its just blah. Its the only clothy class that can't heal itself in some way other than potions. Everyone else whines "wah we need to cc and stun" or "wah we don't do enough damage" but they have other abilities that make up for it. Someone seems to forget this when they start giving them more damage output. We get simiilar shit buts its mega gimped (invisibility?)...

that was my QQ
Might want to edit your post then and remove your rant about paladins/druids.

Just an FYI.

How so? Pallies can heal, dps/cc, and tank. Druids can heals, dps, and tank.

Warriors can tank, and only dps (which no cc doesn't cut it in 5-mans)

They're normalizing tanking and healing across the board which benefits the hybrids.

DPS still remains to be seen, but with 5 and 10 mans being the norm, cc will be huge, so any non cc class will be hurting. Even with the good dps Fury puts out it doesn't help them to get in 5 and 10 mans today, I dont see it happening in the exp.
I haven't kept up with a lot of the classes, but off the top of my head:

Gift of the Earthmother
Crazy AoE damage and healing shit

Vanish/CLoS thing
Targetable reverse pain suppression against melee opponents

Ret pallies can now dump absolutely stupid damage into a single target (upwards of 10k in 1 hit)
Tanking changes

Another PS like thing
More instants
Shadow priests get a self-healing uber PS

LOL nothing has changed... enrage, stabby spree, free CPs for friendly crits on target, shadow dance

Another mana regen
Spirit link
Tidal healing
Spirit wolf shift removing snares
Roots on shocks
AOE knock back
Oh, and a vanish/clos thing too

Everlasting affliction/Haunt (haha ... seriously?)
Metamorphosis remains to be seen, but has potential to be LOL, and gives locks a serious ++ against melee opponents
Chaos Bolt... long cooldown but it goes through everything, so now you can drop through PS, etc.

Warriors and Mages ATM are :ugh: compared to that. I don't know what mages have gotten, but the only noteworthy things for warriors are an extra second on intercept stun and strength of arms (wooo 5% str!... in our 2nd to last tier ... YUSSSS). They're increasing our bleed damage but only on white crits, which doesn't mean shit, because our bleeds are constantly reset anyway with new crits. I can't wait for an extra fucking 35 damage on deep wounds when a druid runs away from me.
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Everlasting affliction/Haunt (haha ... seriously?)
Metamorphosis remains to be seen, but has potential to be LOL, and gives locks a serious ++ against melee opponents
Chaos Bolt... long cooldown but it goes through everything, so now you can drop through PS, etc

80% avoidance (aoe damage reduction) on all our pets is the most exciting thing for me + more synergy with our pets in all trees so they'll actually be useful for more than saccing for more damage.
Druids can CC too. Roots are usable indoors in the expansion.

So what dps classes can't cc then? Warriors, Shamans, and Dks?

The one thing about the Warrior class is we will be a very good class in pvp still; which I would rather have a strong pvp class than a strong pve. As it stands I still see us running an Arms/Fury MS Hybrid, I dont think the 51 pt talents are great in those trees but Bull Rush and Sudden Death look really good.

The devs announced a 10% melee buff to hunters (while using aspect of the wild) and removed the dodge criteria for Mongoose Bite. Interesting way to go about the Hunter pvp problem, I'd rather take some form of escape ability but this was more or less expected with the wing clip nerf in place.
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So what dps classes can't cc than? Warriors, Shamans, and Dks?

The one thing about the Warrior class is we will be a very good class in pvp still; which I would rather have a strong pvp class than a strong pve. As it stands I still see us running an Arms/Fury MS Hybrid, I dont think the 51 pt talents are great in those trees but Bull Rush and Sudden Death look really good.

The devs announced a 10% melee buff to hunters (while using aspect of the wild) and removed the dodge criteria for Mongoose Bite. Interesting way to go about the Hunter pvp problem, I'd rather take some form of escape ability but this was more or less expected with the wing clip nerf in place.

Sudden death will be a waste of talent points, and a waste of rage, unless you're being absolutely shit on, at which point you should be going on the defensive anyway.

Past 15 rage, execute is a waste of rage, and you can put out more damage using other abilities. The only time it would be "good" in PvP is if you decided to be an idiot and dump 100 rage on an execute proc, pray for a crit, and have it actually happen. That being said, your 100 rage would be better put to use queuing up HS with MS, and then hitting WW as your GCD clears.
yeah i could only see sudden death being good at like the last seconds of a recklessness in BG's.

Even then, with executes fixed damage amount, it's not like you are gonna be 1 shotting clothies or anything.

I don't like the warrior stuff as it stands but i just couldnt imagine blizz making warriors anything but pvp monsters (with a healer in tow)
I thought I was done with wow forever, but DK actually made me want to play again, bleh. rolled an alt so I can unlock DK as a main on archi with some other faggots who wont send my new toon bags.
I just skimmed through the thread but beyond class changes is there anything new or is it just the same as TBC where you see bigger numbers pop up with things having more life?

The inclusion of the deathknight (how long will it take to balance with other classes, a year+?) and one outdoor PvP zone (is it worth the time?) just don't seem like enough or revolutionary.
I just skimmed through the thread but beyond class changes is there anything new or is it just the same as TBC where you see bigger numbers pop up with things having more life?

The inclusion of the deathknight (how long will it take to balance with other classes, a year+?) and one outdoor PvP zone (is it worth the time?) just don't seem like enough or revolutionary.

New BG that seems fun on paper.
Culling of Strat.
Ulduar and the continuation of Uldaman's story.
Arugal and the Worgen.
Real-time shadows.
Mob knockback (fun fun fun).
Achievements for bored casuals.

The current rumor is that there are three more expansions after this: the South Seas and the Maelstrom, the Emerald Dream, and Argus.