work from home vs office


Veteran XX
would you rather work from home for 75k yr or NGFM quality cube farm for 100k yr

both IT meh jobs

commute 35 minutes to office
Forget working in an office and commuting. Some coworkers are great friends, but the cons outweigh the pros in corporate land. I'd take the 75k and enjoy the freedom of being at home. If you have a routine (meals/gym), it's easier to maintain.

You're also talking about a roughly 15k difference in salary after taxes.
home, because

A. Gas Fluctuates
B. Car Maintenance (6-10k spent per year depending on type of vehicle)
C. Time spent commuting
D. Overtime? I'd rather be at home, we all know how much "work" gets done on overtime (barely any more than regular hours).
E. A dress code you set vs your boss...
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6-10k a year in car maintenance? wtf are you driving, a gold-plated bentley? i've put less than 5k into my car in the last 10 years total

work at the office, 25k is a big difference even after tax. working at home is purely a luxury, if you can do it and make the same money sweet, but work is still work. "only" 15k difference means you're retiring a year early for every 5 you work.

also, if you're that worried about the yearly ~$3k on gas, take that extra 25k salary and buy a hybrid, a 2015 volt will get you 50 miles on electric and any decent office has a charging station so your commute is free.
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i have the option to do either and go in to the office usually because my coworkers are awesome and there's booze
I work from home

I've never worked in an office but I've been in the cube farms before, how miserable

Next time you're commuting and sitting in traffic look at all the cars around you, they all suck and are full of bald white guys.

But it also has its downsides, I literally have found it impossible to actually work here so I spend most of my time at Starbucks or some variant of the sort

Also it can get lonely, not seeing real people for a few days and not having non-work conversations fucks with your social life
i worked night shift from home for 10 months at my old job

sitting in your pajamas every night with your dog is only fun until you start losing the ability to speak normally in social situations (which are almost impossible to get to when youre working 10pm-6am)

then flipping your weekend sleep schedule around in order to do anything fun is impossible
At home you see images of tits, at work you see real tits, but they have clothes covering them. If you like to smell and touch tits, take the 100k. If you like images of naked tits go the 75k. It's really about the tits.

Yeah seriously, after too long working from home, you can start to feel isolated. Good balance, some days at office, some at home. Regular schedule.
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would u rather get 160k a year to do nothing or 500k a year to work 40 hr weeks but u don't become a socially awkward autist
that's a touch choice but i have never been a socially awkward autist so i might give that a try u kno?
i can work from home as much as I want too, I used to just work at home, now I work mostly from the office.
I'm an introvert and deal much better with isolation with most. Working from home would be too much though.

Even if some coworkers are asshole, you really do need something to put you into a fight every now and then, otherwise you will go soft and not be able to navigate politics well.