WolfTeam - Beta Invites

Maybe it was the servers i was on

that is it because there is no ping column

kinda gay that i have to randomly join servers and see which ones reg good :/

but it's an alright game, i rip pretty much every server i go into, i'm anxious to up my rank so i can join higher rank servers
It is pretty fun since it's really easy to own people and the graphics are actually fairly sharp at max settings. If this game came out a 3 years ago it would wow, but it still holds its own and runs well on my dated system.

The bad: it's noticeably a beta because there's bugs like getting stuck in wolf/human mode where you can't shoot or maul people, or people glitching under the map to become invincible and shoot you from anywhere. I'm also disappointed that the wolf form isn't more agile like you can't double jump, or scale walls, or jump from wall to wall effectively. It's a cool concept, but I wouldn't spend more than $20 on the full version most likely.

If I had to rate the beta I'd give it a 7.5/10.
game is up for anyone now, no invites needed. been playing since release since i dont play anything really, for under 200megs its a fun time waster. sniper is overpowered imo. been playing as seikan :x im at 3rd or 4th rank, dunno